These are the only rewards that concern me at all:
• The Nardah herbalist will create unfinished potions for a small fee
- If this allows you to trade noted herbs/vials of water for unfs at a small fee, it could be a little bit too good. I'm assuming that it's for unnoted items only, though?
• Cannonball smithing time is halved in Port Phasmatys
- Will hurt the price of cannonballs, but they're a little ridiculous overall. (This is a very powerful reward, maybe it should be Hard or Elite?)
• All dragon bone drops in the wilderness are noted
Noted Dragon Bones + Tan Leather = Noted bones + leathers that can be crafted/alched on the spot. Not necessarily a bad thing, just means no more banking at Green Dragons. Thinking back to the Pack Yak days, it was.. Over 1M/hour? It could be just a little too good, something to definitely watch for. The difference would be that you risk everything you'd gained though, instead of it just instantly being banked. I also forget how much extra money/hour you made from higher bones/hides prices, so who knows.
• Access to a locked room under the temple on Ape Atoll
Blue-faced Gorillas will take over RuneScape
Everything else I can't find anything wrong with,
a good looking update.
Also - would it be a possibility to allow the Wilderness Sword (And/or western banner if that's also a main-hand item? Possibly even Ardy cloak) to consume Magic Secateurs and grant their farming benefits? I remember seeing people wear the complete Achievement Diary outfits for skilling all the time back on RS2, I'm sure people will want to do the same here. It's a small thing, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who would appreciate it.
28-Nov-2014 22:55:49