I personally don't agree with the helmet..+5 strength bonus seems a bit much. Even though it's only a 1.25 damage bonus. I also think that the 6 poison base that scales +6 each minute is a bit much. Most PKers don't carry anti poisons. This would make a great use and item sink for super anti-poisons. I'd recommend having the poison start at a 2 or 3, maybe even 4. With it still increasing by 2 or so each minute. Making it scale up as an annoyance. Making the carrying of an anti-poison as a general benefit but not a necessity. That's just my idea's. I approve of your guys' hard work on trying to bring in new and unique content into the game. However, I don't like that we keep adding new and seemingly stronger content. Make unique things that are different, but not making them the "best" item within a slot (best meaning the highest strength bonus).
25-Nov-2014 16:57:07