Something to consider:
Half, if not all, of the bonuses from the Amulet of the Damned lack more in positives than they do in negatives.
Dharok's buff is fine the way it is.
Karil's buff is fine the way it is, though the base effect (most players would agree) should be changed. Draining 5 Agility levels 1) makes no sense and 2) is useless.
Verac's buff is okay, but could use some tweaking. +7 prayer bonus isn't that needed for a set that already gives a nice prayer boost. Perhaps with the amulet equipped, one can have a 1/4 chance of restoring 5% of their Prayer points at the cost of 10-15% hitpoints.
Ahrim's buff is great for PvP, as it seems the update was intended on making it good for this situation. It decreases opponent's strength by 5 (stackable) 25% of the time, and is capable of maxing a 39 with barrage.
Torag's buff is questionable. It gives a great defense boost but at what cost? Sacrificing good offense for an amazing defense is not worth it in most situations. It may only be good when one is tanking for PvM, but even it worth it? It seems the attack speed boost did not pass in the polls. Maybe the hammers deserve an increase in their bonuses on top of this buff? We lack in good crush weapons already, perhaps this will serve as a good update. And while we're at it let's look at the base set effect, draining run energy? Useless. Maybe it could have a 1/4 chance to lower the opponent's defense by a small amount, much like the Ahrim's set? Maybe not, though. Something to think about.
07-Nov-2014 09:05:59