
Amulet of the Damned & CWA

Quick find code: 380-381-122-65512837

Fe got

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Posts: 112 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aysian said :
I dont understand the purpose of the amulet for veracs, it only gives additional +7 prayer? why not just wear a god stole for more? Does the amulet itself have stats?

Mod Ronan said :
The amulet has the same stats as an amulet of glory and offers the following buffs to all of the barrows sets when worn:

06-Nov-2014 19:17:11 - Last edited on 06-Nov-2014 19:17:52 by Fe got

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Nov Member 2023

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Posts: 20 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My Opinion,
really disliking the 2 new graphic items being the cosmetic upgrade for the granite maul and the new Hunter's Honour. In my opinion the 2 new designs look too much like runescape 3 graphics a game i do not want to feel like im playing in since i joined oldschool rs.
Feel like the staff is trying to much to do graphical updates when i am completely satisfied with the current in game graphics. I have no problems with you guys releasing new items just dont like it when they resemble the rs3 graphics which i like. Hoping in the future u guys worry less on changing the graphics on items everyone already likes and focus on the more important things which when you do you guys are doing a good job on. (corp beast, bounty hunter) etc...
havent had issues with any previous updates you guys made just seeing the new Hat and Maul with there high definition like graphics bothered me a bit and is making me worry that this game will become like rs3 again in the future.
Keep up the good work guys, but the latest bounty hunter shop update is a minus for me.

06-Nov-2014 19:33:33



Posts: 1,246 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks for giving credits to IronNoBank, he deserves all credit for Ultimate Ironman in OSRS. I'd also like to suggest giving credit to itam too, he was doing ironman long before anyone else was. The 2 NPCs on Tutorial Island should be itam and IronNoBank.

06-Nov-2014 22:30:22



Posts: 488 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Honestly jagex you realy need to remove the useless effects with no amulet for torags, ahrim and karil and put the new effects with the amulet as the main effects and find new effects with the amulet to actualy make it balanced with dh, guthan and verac. Do we have number that torags would be better then a whip and a shield otherwise torags is still useless since hammer are slow and you lose up to 80 defence stats if you use fury and dfs over the hammer and the amulet. Hammer need whip speed to make it viable.

06-Nov-2014 23:00:56 - Last edited on 06-Nov-2014 23:12:47 by Punition

Tru Khaoz

Tru Khaoz

Posts: 344 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Ash said :
Lewis Shoot said :
Well thanks a lot of giving us all the information about this. How many more random cosmetics are you going to add?
Plus you haven't considered whether we'd like the look of the cosmetic kit. Polls are always good to do

Since the granite clamp got 73% when polled as a stat upgrade, and the complaints at the time were more about the stats than the model, I'd hope that this cosmetic update isn't game-destroying awful.

C o d y said :
Wheres the pvp armors and fun weapons?

PvP armour has arisen as a topic a few times, but never looked particularly popular, so we've focused on other updates instead.

I've seen a few comments about pvp armor/weapons in every BH related thread, they are pretty popular. They should be given some real consideration at this point

06-Nov-2014 23:53:36

BHBoost Dave

BHBoost Dave

Posts: 73 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Something to consider:

Half, if not all, of the bonuses from the Amulet of the Damned lack more in positives than they do in negatives.

Dharok's buff is fine the way it is.

Karil's buff is fine the way it is, though the base effect (most players would agree) should be changed. Draining 5 Agility levels 1) makes no sense and 2) is useless.

Verac's buff is okay, but could use some tweaking. +7 prayer bonus isn't that needed for a set that already gives a nice prayer boost. Perhaps with the amulet equipped, one can have a 1/4 chance of restoring 5% of their Prayer points at the cost of 10-15% hitpoints.

Ahrim's buff is great for PvP, as it seems the update was intended on making it good for this situation. It decreases opponent's strength by 5 (stackable) 25% of the time, and is capable of maxing a 39 with barrage.

Torag's buff is questionable. It gives a great defense boost but at what cost? Sacrificing good offense for an amazing defense is not worth it in most situations. It may only be good when one is tanking for PvM, but even it worth it? It seems the attack speed boost did not pass in the polls. Maybe the hammers deserve an increase in their bonuses on top of this buff? We lack in good crush weapons already, perhaps this will serve as a good update. And while we're at it let's look at the base set effect, draining run energy? Useless. Maybe it could have a 1/4 chance to lower the opponent's defense by a small amount, much like the Ahrim's set? Maybe not, though. Something to think about.

07-Nov-2014 09:05:59

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