Okay, so here is my question..
You mentioned that in GWD when you enter the boss room your KC will not reduce.
What if I use an Ecu Key, into say, Sara GWD (with 0 kc prior) and my first kill we DC and die?
How will I get back in with 0 kc? Do I have to waste another key to get my items back? Does this defeat the purpose of keys? I understand keys are meant as an option to skip getting KC, but does using a key defeat this new safety 10minute no KC reducing purpose?
What I say is..
When you use a key on the door, you get an auto 40kc (entering the boss room) so if you do happen to DC before your team can accumulate 40 kc, you can run back and pickup your items.
Maybe I'm just understanding this all wrong, but this could be a really easy fix!
Have you trade your Ecu Key on the door for 40KC.
04-Nov-2014 17:03:52