Truth of the matter is, in retrospect to original values all items will have diminishing returns over a set period of time it's inevitable. The reason I disliked GWD is the same reason i dislike Corp, introducing new max-teir gear not only insinuates the introduction of new end-game content (that will make all previous options obsolete in terms of stats & application[level45 spirit shield is comparable to level75 dfs]), but also further reinforce's any unbalanced mechanic's in an already biased system (meleescape anyone?).
Yes i understand that people who play 16-18hrs/day need new content, however such playerbase is not the majority. How does conforming to their beliefs help reinforce OSRS's longevity? If anything, this constant bombardment of unbalanced content will only ascertain the downfall of RS2 as it did RS3.
I guess the general consensus here is: Godswords? Yes! spirit shields? Yes! Summoning? Yes! Curses? Yes! Meleescape? Yes, Yes, YES!
16-Oct-2014 20:29:18