
Corporeal Beast

Quick find code: 380-381-111-65499405

Mar Member 2020


Posts: 7,687 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Heritage said :
N Y J said :
Good job. But can we get some real updates now?

There has not been ONE fishing, crafting, or firemaking update since the release of Old School. Just to name a few!

We need more updates like Motherlode Mine and Rooftop Agility- they were original, not a carbon-copy of RS3, and were NEEDED SKILLING updates.

Please poll some skills! They need a rework!

I agree, but don't get your hopes up. They need to poll Nex first.
Gz on the purple :P

To you two: What skilling updates would you like to see?

16-Oct-2014 11:46:55

Mod Ash

Mod Ash

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
I had a lot of fun doing Motherlode Mine, and would really like to write more content like that.

We'd originally intended that Construction would be the next "skiller" skill to get a big update. (Well, that or Firemaking.) However, in the big priority poll we ran last month, it scored pretty low compared to the more combatty update ideas.

Obviously that doesn't mean dumping all the ideas we'd had for Construction. It just means we're slipping the smaller ones as quality-of-life improvements around the bigger updates. Like when we made the "enter name" dialogue box remember the last name you'd typed.

We can do other skill-related content too in the same way, if you've something smallish in mind. Crafting and Smithing are relatively easy to code. Fletching's fairly quick too if you keep away from crossbow bolts.

16-Oct-2014 12:13:40

Mod Ash

Mod Ash

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Richy Ray said :
in 5 mins afther Corp has realeased some one already got Arcane....

It's launch day, and the Corp is surrounded by dozens of players on lots of worlds. It's dying a lot faster now than it will when the rush has died down. I don't think it'll be Arcane sigils every 5 mins forever.

But you're welcome to cry DOOM DOOM DOOM if you like :P

16-Oct-2014 12:31:16

Aug Member 2013


Posts: 14,598 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Richy Ray said :
Good fight,

in 5 mins afther Corp has realeased some one already got Arcane....

Trident + Arc = too OP

in b4 a ruined Old school + economy ......

Oh, I don't think arcanes are a problem, but I think elysians are, sadly.

16-Oct-2014 12:35:01

Richy Ray

Richy Ray

Posts: 503 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Actually i voted no against Corp so DOOM DOOM DOOM it! ^_^

But you know what will happen soon or later with the rs 07 economy ? or did you not care/think about it?

The soon or later you guys have to add G.E. ^_^

The prices of Spirit shield will kill the Rs economy, people will mass Rwt, people will mass multi log buy out items because they gain more money...

There will be too many drawbacks soon.

But we will see it in a week/month i'm intrested ;)

p.s. herti, The shields arnt the problem really... the prices are a problem, people got the power to set up price as so far i know arcan has being sold for 150m...

16-Oct-2014 12:38:17 - Last edited on 16-Oct-2014 12:40:29 by Richy Ray

Mod Ash

Mod Ash

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Richy Ray said :
Actually i voted no against Corp so DOOM DOOM DOOM it! ^_^

We've got an NPC in Lumbridge who's like that. No-one talks to him much.

Richy Ray said :
But you know what will happen soon or later with the rs 07 economy ? or did you not care/think about it?
The soon or later you guys have to add G.E. ^_^
The prices of Spirit shield will kill the Rs economy, people will mass Rwt, people will mass multi log buy out items because they gain more money...

If you're suggesting that we should never add a new high-level item to the game, for fear that players will charge each other too much money for it, that's really going to limit the expansion of the game. And while you might personally be happy for the game to stagnate, there's a lot of people want more stuff to work towards.

Yeah, we quite likely will see some drawbacks in weeks or months. Frankly, I've been in RuneScape since the start of 2002 and I've seen a lot of changes, many of which have had drawbacks. And then other changes get made to try and improve the situation again. If Jagex had refused to make any changes at all for fear of drawbacks, RuneScape would have stagnated and died out years ago.

As for the ability to trade items through the trading post (which would basically be a GE) it didn't quite pass its poll. But I could well imagining it getting more support as players' opinions change over time, especially given the discussion about whether 75% is too high a threshold.

16-Oct-2014 12:54:39 - Last edited on 16-Oct-2014 12:54:47 by Mod Ash

Aug Member 2013


Posts: 14,598 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
High level items, go ahead, but why would you poll something that has been released in the maingame before? Speaking as someone who corped a lot in the past and made billions from it, wouldn't it be much more exciting to poll something that's unique? This is not just limited to corp.

I also think the elysian is overpowered, but hey, it's too late now. There is no way back.

16-Oct-2014 13:01:36

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