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"You told us that the most important aspects of skilling to you were that it needs to be profitable, that gaining XP needs to be engaging and that you want to be able to skill with your friends. So, we will be looking at how we can incorporate these into the two skilling polls that we offer."
So, why on earth did you destroy bolt making (smithing) by adding broad bolts?
Was it because a lot of un skilled combat oriented players demanded cheap ammo because they were too lazy to train skills that would have supplied their own needs for free and didn't want to pay the cost of not training?
Good way to improve the profitability of skills right there.
So, if broad bolts are here because slayers didn't want to be forced to pay a greedy smither for ammo shouldn't you add whips to an npc shop at 200k so that we don't have to be forced to pay some greedy slayer for one or train high enough to get it for free?
mate, it takes alot more skill, time and money to get 85 slayer than it takes to get the level to make mith bolts. even if i wanted to train range with mith bolts, i still wouldn't even think about making them. you wanna smith with profit? make cannonballs. and broad bolts aren't here because slayers wanted them because mith bolts are too expensive, they're here to make turoth and kurask task worth doing again.
07-Jan-2014 15:02:52