As you may or may not have seen, Alfred and I have successfully managed to rebuild the Corporeal Beast from a 2012 archive of the game and then reverted stats, animations and effects to the 2008 launch era. We now have a fully functional, mapped and deadly boss ready to poll and launch. If you didn't know this and want to see screenshots, videos or get more news, I'll provide links to such at the bottom of the thread!
Whilst there is a lot of hype to once again be united with a pre-EoC Corp Beast, there are a few issues we need to iron out before we can release both to the poll module and the game.

How should we introduce it?
Corporeal Beast was originally introduced with Summer's End quest in 2008. We can't give you this quest again. We don't have an active build of the quest in our archive and the quest features numerous functions and requirements that Old School simply doesn't reach including the Summoning skill and a non-functioning Wilderness.
We'd like to know how you want to see it introduced and if there should be any prerequisite requirements. Some options include:-
Just upload a cave in the wilderness as before - do nothing else.
Quest Cape requirement.
Minimum quest point requirement (50+/100+/200+)
- Combat level requirement (50+/60+/70+/80+/100+)
This is a one of the more trivial problems we need to resolve before launch, but important we find a solution soon! Please do give us feedback on this!
What should it drop?

With drops, we're aware that whatever is dropped needs to be both rare, good looking and somewhat over powered. Last year, we introduced powerful offensive weaponry with the launch of God Wars. A year on, we can do the same again with defensive armours.
It's important to note that are some point, we do need to move forward with weapons and armours. We WILL NOT look to make a giant leap from our current best in slot gear every few months, instead gradually or even yearly introduce something new. Not implementing new armours will eventually bring us to a stalemate one day with everyone equipped in the best available gear - we do need to move on and slowly introduce newer, better weapons and armours at a pace you decide.
This is not a leap towards EoC or Pre-EoC over powered weaponry. We'll look to do this on your terms, at your pace.
We have a few options:-
Introduce Spirit Shields as rare drops - Change no stats or effects.
Introduce Spirit Shields as rare drops - Change stats and effects.
Introduce specific Spirit Shields.
- Introduce new best in slot items - Headgear/Magic robes/Mid-high level crush weapon.
The feedback to this is crucial. Please do discuss your thoughts, feelings and ideas surrounding this.
Dan ~ Reach
If you've missed any of the Corporeal Beast hype, video's or livestreams then follow me on Twitter ( @JagexReach ), subscribe to the Old School YouTube channel or view the latest Dev Q&A streams on Twitch.tv/RuneScape .

25-Jul-2014 09:09:00 - Last edited on 25-Jul-2014 10:35:44 by Mod Ronan