Mario x_x
Entire OP's writing is just loads of bullshit. Even members get 28 yew logs as rewards...F2P get 10 normal logs or 5 lobsters...
I am not sure where do people pull this bullshit about F2P making too much money from TH from.
Springs, Tokens, some selected tradeable F2P wearable items, coin bags, ores(refine them and get more profit [presumed profit, scince coal will no longer be needed{ people stocking up}]), dwarves machines(use them on 2x item collected mode), pale energy(kebbit borrow divine [ polar kebit skin profitable]), etc.
JAGEX PLEASE START PLANING FOR A 300Million Account Event.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Quick find code: 185-186-627-65997434
20-Dec-2017 00:43:17
- Last edited on
20-Dec-2017 00:43:48