
RuneScape Monetisation

Quick find code: 366-367-817-65960268

Jun Member 2007


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I'll believe it when I see it and continue to see it in a year's time. It's only that long since the last MTX statement was released, and clearly things only got worse after that.

To be frank, most of this statement seems like a smokescreen. "Hey, look at the content we are making," while the meat of it, the 'monetization' statement, is just an apology for one single promotion, a promise to remove 1 day a week of promotions (do remember that SoF/TH started with only four a week every so often rather than seven always), and the usual vague statement that you're going to do better.

You've said it before something like three times now. Stick to it this time.

23-Oct-2017 16:40:28

Mar Member 2023


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Sebastiaan said :
None of this is new. NONE OF IT. It's just the same crap you always tell us and then you keep shoving MTX down our throats... like seriously what the hell?

Actually, a lot of this is new. Previously they said they'd do better.

Now they're saying that they are rehiring, because they messed that up and we didn't get enough content (good content).

They're saying that they are going to look at more cosmetics-foccused promo's instead of XP, that's new.

They're saying that they are reworking TH, starting with stopping the second chance tuesdays and working out some other stuff.

You can't expect them to fully stop with TH.
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23-Oct-2017 16:40:29

Atlach Nacha
May Member 2010

Atlach Nacha

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how is this going to be any different from last multiple times along the 5 years, when you've made same promises, but things just have gone complete opposite way, not soon after? MY NAME IS ATLACH NA*HA, NOOB OF NOOBS:

23-Oct-2017 16:42:56

May Member 2015


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Mod Balance said :
In terms of communications, we've not talked to you enough. We'll pot-up defence and communicate more, show you all what we're working on and better explain our decisions.

HOW many times have we heard that. The team said the EXACT same when you went through with Unfinished Business mantra, Arc Promo and you know what - it's an absolute pack of lies and I hate how it's your constant defence. You have NEVER faced the problems head on, instead when problems arise you bury your heads in the sand for god knows how long (it took you a good month to make an official statement). How about FINALLY SHOWING US instead of saying it. Actions speak louder than words.

This year has been a complete SHAM. Crap update after crap update with the odd nice ninja fix and that's it. What a joke of a year, couldn't have gone much worse if you all tried.

This year has saw, what, 2 quests? (not even going to include Menaphos quests because they were time-gated jokes and I swear, I've played miniquests which had more filling) This is what you get when you move good, talented developers and either A) Don't hire replacements BEFORE moving them or B) Hire junior developers who don't know anything about the game.

And another thing - why do we complete the huge questionnaires at the end of every year when you EVIDENTLY don't even follow them. For example - Bank Rework was pretty much the top reason in every question it was placed in, but why on earth is it just suddenly dropped to work on Mobile? Your priorities are so messed up it is mindblowing. Cater for your existing customers, not the OFF-CHANCE for mobile to draw in new people. We all know what happened with the flop that is Menaphos. It was made to draw in new people, and you even admitted yourselves it didn't work out quite as planned.

Where has your passion gone, Jagex?

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23-Oct-2017 16:43:36 - Last edited on 23-Oct-2017 16:54:16 by SuperDeacon



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MrCastle said :

Actually, a lot of this is new. Previously they said they'd do better.

Now they're saying that they are rehiring, because they messed that up and we didn't get enough content (good content).

They're saying that they are going to look at more cosmetics-foccused promo's instead of XP, that's new.

They're saying that they are reworking TH, starting with stopping the second chance tuesdays and working out some other stuff.

You can't expect them to fully stop with TH.

1) They've been saying they'd do better for years now.
2) They've been hiring for months already, that's nothing new either.
3) Citation needed.
4) They all but stated they're going to stick with 6 days a week promo and promo's every week. TH started with 4 days a week promo and not a promo every week. Where's the improvement?

Edit: I would have been a member at time of writing, but considering they postponed everything worth being a member for, I postponed membership until this statement came out. Glad I did. Jagex won't ever be sucking me dry.

I came back to RS nearly 2 years ago now, because they advertised the Arc and the Mining/Smithing rework. Arc was somewhat cool (even though it needed a second batch), still waiting for the Mining/Smithing rework, even though the Mining rework was universally loved and needed to transform Mining from a competitive skill to a social one, and was completely separate from the Smithing rework, barring a few new ores. We still haven't heard squat about the mining rework, even though that could have been out more than a year ago already.

23-Oct-2017 16:43:56 - Last edited on 23-Oct-2017 16:48:55 by Impatience

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