^ u erazy guy.
Members gets +1 key, vip gets +1 key... for the cost of $100, ya get +2 keys per day, included with the purchase.
$100 for 1yr VIP MEMBERSHIP! Which includes 1 f2p key, 1 member key, 1 VIP key... for the $100 price grants TWO bonus daily keys because it's called "VIP MEMBERS!". 1 for members, 1 for vip. Whereas, regular members grants 1 bonus key per day as indicated by the link.
F2p gets 1 key. Members gets 1 bonus key. Vip gets 1 addition bonus key.
So, for $100, ya get VIP MEMBERS which included 700+ keys.
I don't know how it's so hard to understand :s
F2p pays $0 and gets 1 key.
VIP MEMBERS pays $100 and gets 3 keys for a year.
3 - 1 = 2.
2*365 = +700, for the $100 price.
But really, the $100 price offers so much more... so the +700 keys are actually even cheaper than $100.
And then, there is a 450 key package for $100...
All I'm saying is, buying keys is not as lucrative as people think it is... when ya buy keys, in "a sense" ya short changing urself - especially when using bonds for keyz*
Idc if u think u win because u get the last word... I'm done with this convo.
The End.
Dear God, please send the competition, feels like there ain't any.
I long lost count of the victories, there were just far too many.
07-Feb-2020 05:13:15
- Last edited on
07-Feb-2020 10:56:02
Bel Tiamat