NO! NO NO NO NO NO! i like having my rare unobtainable items! i worked really hard to get some of them! its bad enough you made items that were only supposed to be obtainable through gamecards or purchasing premier club available again, and even re-released some holiday items, at this rate everyone will have access to everything. stop. seriously. please stop. im straight up telling you this now. i will no longer pay for any limited time anything. i don't trust you to keep it limited time. ill still buy premier club, but only because i like having 12 months of membership and a select world. thats literally the only value left in it. oh the chat badge is neat too. but i no longer trust you. for years i have defended every decision you have made, but i am done. you tell us something will only be available for a limited time, but it is turning out to be a lie every time.
23-Jul-2018 22:24:15