Jagex didn't start this shet.
Jagex isn't facebook.
Jagex sells lootboxes, facebook sells poker chips that u can't cash out.
Jagex invented Runescape.
Facebook didn't invent poker.
Jagex has a right to sell their art.
Facebook is a scam. I hate it so much.
Jagex has made a huge mistake tho. They continue to divide the community by creating new non-rs games, and many versions on rs too!
I wish we all stuck together working on the same project, Runescape ie. Runescape 3.
The rs community is dead because it's divided - I'm not talking about differing opinions, I'm talking about actually divided. RSC, OSRS, League of Legends, Reddit, and all the other sites that take u away from the main game, RS3.
Dear God, please send the competition, feels like there ain't any.
I long lost count of the victories, there were just far too many.
13-May-2018 21:43:33