Do you mean Old School polling system or what? Please specify this before I respond. Cheers!
I was talking about RS3, because I know they stopped doing 50% yes threshold polls in favor of 75% yes. Regarding OSRS, I haven't followed its progress as closely in the past, so I'm not sure, but I assume it's always been with 75% yes threshold.
You cut the last sentence of the quote away. Prioritising braggers' ability to brag over the fun of the community is not responsible.
Sorry, I would've run out of space and have had to make another post just for that.
Nothing changes though: unless something specifically obligates you to "share the fun", you are not responsible to do so. You can if you want to and if have no obligation not to, but you don't need to.
In the case of Jagex and partyhats, there is nothing that obligates them to rerelease them in RS3. In OSRS they're obligated because they said they would, and since it was made clear from the start, people accept it there. It's a design decision: both ways work, but once you pick one, you gotta stick to it; otherwise, people won't accept it.