Reading Last Riders again, though this is less about Ilujanka and more about Gorvek.
Apropos said 'We must ride with Zamorak. The Empty Lord is never going to honour his deal with us. if Zamorak becomes a god tonight, we'll be rewarded for siding with him.' Morvannon had already mounted her dragon, ready to fly.
'No. We can't risk our lives allying with Zamorak,' said Ablenkian. 'The Empty Lord has promised us offspring after the war. If we warn him, he will reward our loyalty. Besides, how do you know Zamorak has the power to give us anything? Balustan nodded in agreement.
Like the gurh-meets of old, we voted on our steeds. Ablenkian and Balustans dragons belched fire into the air; Morvannon and Aproposs dragons streamed fire to the ground. My dragon stood: sullen, unmoving, undecided.
Gorvek was with Morvannon in favour of siding with Zamorak.
Wonder if Vindicta knows he did that.
I'm Gylkra, hunting monsters for fame and glory is my way.
Alt - Ferna Bapt
Ironman - Argent Bapt
Gylkra VS Vindicta
Current KC: 8,370
48 Crests, 30 Lances