i'm disappointed in azzanadra that he gives me a item that may or may not be usefull in the future and that i cant bank it.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you would think that.
Azzanadra is disappointed that we are dissapointed about the blank observation, he just wanted to give us a nice little gift of gratitude.
Azzanadra is disapointed you didn't give it to Zaros instead
Azzanadra is not disappointed in me. He said he trusts me. He made me purple cookies :3
Roses are pink
Violets are violet
The WG is a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
Nature Rosa
Azzanadra is not disappointed in me. He said he trusts me. He made me purple cookies :3
Azzanadra is disappointed that his poisonous cookies have not killed you yet.
Azzanadra called us close. He then bellowed at the top of his lungs "
Don't disappoint me or you shall suffer the consequences!
Azzanadra is disappointed that we waited to bring Zaros back, getting 75 divination, instead of finding a quicker way
He is also disappointed that you did not train your Divination level beyond 75, as he believes that number is too small to be worthy of returning the Empty Lord.
The original Wise Old Man
Azzanadra is disappointed that we waited to bring Zaros back, getting 75 divination, instead of finding a quicker way
He is also disappointed that you did not train your Divination level beyond 75, as he believes that number is too small to be worthy of returning the Empty Lord.
Nature Rosa
Azzanadra is not disappointed in me. He said he trusts me. He made me purple cookies :3
Azzanadra said to me that he is secretly disappointed in you for eating the cookies instead of Zaros.
Azzanadra is disappointed in the school system for not only failing to preach the words of Zaros, but also for failing to teach how to spell 'disappointed'. (Seriously I'm now a pro at it entirely due to this thread)
Azzanadra is disappointed in you for not knowing zaros doesn't eat.
Roses are pink
Violets are violet
The WG is a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
Nature Rosa
Azzanadra is disappointed in you for not knowing zaros doesn't eat.
Hence his reasoning why he gave the cookies to you instead of Zaros. Azz can be disappointed that Zaros can't eat his cookies.
14-Jan-2015 23:41:43
- Last edited on
14-Jan-2015 23:43:07