Azzanadra is disappointed that your comment did not mention anything remotely related to Zaros, and that he couldn't understand what you just said.
registry entry, sorry (to make pressing the caps lock key do the same thing as the shift key... an update must have reset that so I have to do it again)
Maiden China
JJJJ oh curses my caps lock key is back... time to waste 3 seconds turning it back into a shift key :/
I don't think he is that serious
Azzanadra is disappointed that your comment did not mention anything remotely related to Zaros, and that he couldn't understand what you just said.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you think there is anything he doesn't understand.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
22-Sep-2016 00:34:28
- Last edited on
22-Sep-2016 00:34:59
Maiden China
Azzanadra is disappointed that your comment did not mention anything remotely related to Zaros, and that he couldn't understand what you just said.
registry entry, sorry (to make pressing the caps lock key do the same thing as the shift key... an update must have reset that so I have to do it again)
praise zaros, I guess?
Azzanadra is disappointed in your lack of enthusiasm to praise Zaros, as well as your lack of capitalization in Zaros's name - keyboard issues be damned.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
22-Sep-2016 00:35:58
- Last edited on
22-Sep-2016 00:37:34
Maiden China
JJJJ oh curses my caps lock key is back... time to waste 3 seconds turning it back into a shift key :/
I don't think he is that serious
Azzanadra is disappointed that your comment did not mention anything remotely related to Zaros, and that he couldn't understand what you just said.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you think there is anything he doesn't understand.
Azzanadra realizes he's a fallible being and will admit there are many things he doesn't understand... if I implied zaros didn't understand computers though, that would be a problem
Azzanadra is disappointed that you squander your herbs from farming runs for money or potions, rather than offering them up to the Empty Lord.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
Ancient Drew
Azzanadra is disappointed that you squander your herbs from farming runs for money or potions, rather than offering them up to the Empty Lord.
Would he be even more disappointed to realize that I cannot offer them up to Zaros, due to only being able to align my chapel to one of the 3 major gods?
William Witt
Ancient Drew
Azzanadra is disappointed that you squander your herbs from farming runs for money or potions, rather than offering them up to the Empty Lord.
Would he be even more disappointed to realize that I cannot offer them up to Zaros, due to only being able to align my chapel to one of the 3 major gods?
4 Major gods, actually. Azzanadra is disappointed that you forgot the Cat you thought was Zaros. He is ALSO STILL disappointed that you thought Zaros could be a cat.
And Azzanadra is disappointed that you didn't daub the Wise Old Man's house with the symbol of Zaros.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!