Zaxil Nox
Azzanadra is disappointed that you put Zimberfizz in charge of Soul Wars instead of Zaros.
Azzanadra is disappointed that the quest is called 'While Guthix Sleeps' instead of 'While Zaros Floats Around on Freneskae'.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you dealt with Scabaras instead of Zaros.
Well, the second one is one he'll have to take up with Jagex since I don't recall the players being asked to vote on the title of the first Grandmaster Quest.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you sided with either the Black Arm Gang or the Phoenix Gang instead of the Zarosians when recovering the Shield of Arrav. (Or did someone already say this one?)
Azzanadra is disappointed that you did rum deal instead of a zaros deal
Azzanadra is disappointed you did some like it cold instead of Some like it Zaros
Azzanadra is disappointed that you did monk's friend instead of zaros friend
Azzanadra is disappointed that you did troll romance instead of zaros romance
Azzanadra is disappointed that you did a void dance instead of a zaros dance
"If you believe you can distance yourself from the harm you cause, you're deluding yourself. You're not some mindless tool. You're accountable. Your actions will catch up with you eventually." -Jedi Master Jun Seros; Swtor Bounty Hunter storyline.
21-Jul-2014 00:38:16
- Last edited on
21-Jul-2014 00:49:48
Azzanadra is disappointed you did some like it cold instead of zaros like it cold
Some like it Zaros sounds better, imo.
genius! i will update it
"If you believe you can distance yourself from the harm you cause, you're deluding yourself. You're not some mindless tool. You're accountable. Your actions will catch up with you eventually." -Jedi Master Jun Seros; Swtor Bounty Hunter storyline.