Azzanadra is disappointed that you didn't align your gilded altar to Zados and build statues of Zaros and also didn't put Zarosian icons on your windows. He's also disappointed that you didn't choose to use a Zarosian Gravestone, he's also disappointed that you didn't retrieve the Zaros hilt for the Zaros Godsword.
Azzanadra is dissapointed that you brought the cake to the cook in Lumby Castle, instead of Zaros.
He is also disappointed you did not forece the goblins tomp wear purple armour.
Azzanadra is disappointed that there is no RuneScape Road Trip task to feed 20 bread crumbs to Zaros in under 20 seconds, thus making him a Mega Zaros.
The original Wise Old Man
Azzanadra is disappointed that there is no RuneScape Road Trip task to feed 20 bread crumbs to Zaros in under 20 seconds, thus making him a Mega Zaros.
I...I can't even begin to describe how amazing this one is.
Azz is further disappointed that he is not 'Mrs Zaros' and thus cannot sail away with Mega Zaros towards the sunset.
13-May-2014 02:38:35
- Last edited on
13-May-2014 02:39:40