Azzanadra is disappointed that when you created your account you did not name it "ZarosLover32" "Zarosftw" "Zarosisthebest" or "Zaros4eva"
Azzanadra is also disappointed that you did not click 'like' on Zaros' Facebook update: "I am back for good."
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us - J. R. R. Tolkien
Azzanadra is disappointed none of you take me seriously.
no, he is very pleased we don't take you seriously.
"If you believe you can distance yourself from the harm you cause, you're deluding yourself. You're not some mindless tool. You're accountable. Your actions will catch up with you eventually." -Jedi Master Jun Seros; Swtor Bounty Hunter storyline.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you didn't petition Jagex to have a Zarosian Tech Tree upon Invention's launch.
Wonder what we would invent though if we chose that tree...
azzanadra clones.
so we can have a entire legion of them to disappoint!
"If you believe you can distance yourself from the harm you cause, you're deluding yourself. You're not some mindless tool. You're accountable. Your actions will catch up with you eventually." -Jedi Master Jun Seros; Swtor Bounty Hunter storyline.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you didn't petition Jagex to have a Zarosian Tech Tree upon Invention's launch.
Wonder what we would invent though if we chose that tree...
azzanadra clones.
so we can have a entire legion of them to disappoint!
We already have a legion of Azzanadras to disappoint, see pages 110-111.
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
Green Mage
Azzanandra is disappointed you didn't find
present on the Christmas iceberg...
You know Azzanadra is disappointed, right?
But of course I didn't find Zaros' present since there were none labelled 'For Zaros'! Which makes Azzanad*a even more disappointed. Hopefully the penguins just didn't get to the letter 'z' yet... Not that I've found any present that was for Azzanad*a, either... Poor Az, this is such a disappointing event for him.
I think I'll just claim all the purple presents for Zaros, that might cheer him up a bit.
Not quite sure though what would be a worthy present for the Empty Lord, but one of all those purple boxes should contain something suitable.
Azzanadra is disappointed that you think he would accept a present lesser than Zaros himself being reinstated as emperor.
Newest Disciple of Xau-Tak
Azzanadra is disappointed that you think he would accept a present lesser than Zaros himself being reinstated as emperor.
But... but... I've knitted a scarf for him for Christmas! It's purple and all, and I even got it wrapped already. You mean he will not like it?
Azzanadra is disappointed none of you has presented Zaros with the gifts from the advent calendar.
*sighs and hands over the Snowverload plushie*
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
11-Dec-2015 23:05:51
- Last edited on
12-Dec-2015 00:41:19
The Azzanadras that follow Zaros are dissapointed there isn't a Zaros plushie, at the same time the Azzanadras that follow the dark imperator are dissapointed that there isnt a dark imperator plushie