Azzanadra is disappointed at how meta this is getting.
Azzanadra is further disappointed that nobody has telegrabbed the ruby ring in Varrock Bank in the name of Zaros.
Finally, Azzanadra is disappointed that I'm running things to think of that disappoint him.
Newest Disciple of Xau-Tak
*wants a quest where we bring all the Azzanadras together to stop some evil threat and they're all kind of different slightly and are all disappointed in each other*
26-Nov-2015 05:48:29
- Last edited on
26-Nov-2015 05:48:38
Maiden China
Maiden China
*wants a quest where we bring all the Azzanadras together to stop some evil threat and they're all kind of different slightly and are all disappointed in each other*
Maiden China
*wants a quest where we bring all the Azzanadras together to stop some evil threat and they're all kind of different slightly and are all disappointed in each other*
The one thing they'd all agree on, however, is that they're all disappointed in us.
But to be honest, I'd be happy if a future quest would feature even just a single Azzanadra.
And to add some more Azzanadras to this, wouldn't it be nice to travel back in time with the help of the enchanted key, to meet (and most likely disappoint) a certain High Priest in the 2nd Age?...
The Green World Guardian of Guthix and of Gielinor
Maiden China
*wants a quest where we bring all the Azzanadras together to stop some evil threat and they're all kind of different slightly and are all disappointed in each other*
The one thing they'd all agree on, however, is that they're all disappointed in us.
But to be honest, I'd be happy if a future quest would feature even just a single Azzanadra.
And to add some more Azzanadras to this, wouldn't it be nice to travel back in time with the help of the enchanted key, to meet (and most likely disappoint) a certain High Priest in the 2nd Age?...
And thus occurred the great event known only as "The First Disappointment", where the World Guardian initially planted the seeds of Azzanadra's displeasure. And so it is that the World Guardian could not impress Azzanadra, for he is ever disappointed.
Newest Disciple of Xau-Tak
Maiden China
*wants a quest where we bring all the Azzanadras together to stop some evil threat and they're all kind of different slightly and are all disappointed in each other*
The one thing they'd all agree on, however, is that they're all disappointed in us.
But to be honest, I'd be happy if a future quest would feature even just a single Azzanadra.
And to add some more Azzanadras to this, wouldn't it be nice to travel back in time with the help of the enchanted key, to meet (and most likely disappoint) a certain High Priest in the 2nd Age?...
And thus occurred the great event known only as "The First Disappointment", where the World Guardian initially planted the seeds of Azzanadra's displeasure. And so it is that the World Guardian could not impress Azzanadra, for he is ever disappointed.
And then he is disappointed that we did not disappoint and convert him to zarosianism on freneskae.
I do not ship ZamorakxZaros.
I follow them. And Marimbo, the best t5 god.
Azzanadra is really really disappointed the Mahjarrat outfit is just a Zemouregal cosplay and not a Zarosian Mahjarrat cosplay.
Mahjarrat Appreciation Society Owner
Azzanadra is really really disappointed the Mahjarrat outfit is just a Zemouregal cosplay and not a Zarosian Mahjarrat cosplay.
Azzanadra is just disappointed in general at the fashion sense of his fellow Mahjarrat:
Akthanakos wears such a plain, boring robe, which although mirroring his character perfectly, still fails at demonstrating his Zarosian alignment.
Wahisetel just wears some hipster-trash clothing. Put some glasses on him, seriously.
Khazard dresses like he's still in that "edgy 11-13-year-old 'skulls and dark stuff is soooo cooool'" phase. Same with Zemouregal.
Sliske's outfit has Zarosian symbols displayed on it, which pleases Azzanadra, but since the outfit belongs to Sliske, it disappoints Azzy.
The other Mahjarrat's outfits aren't even worth mentioning, but are still disappointing due to their lack of Zarosian decoration.
Azzanadra's outfit is clearly the best. Although not adorned with symbols of Zaros (Azzanadra is disappointed in the graphics team for that), his outfit is, obviously, much like a visual poem, detailing the very might of Zaros/the Zarosian empire:
The black/grey is the shadows which Lord Zaros can manipulate at a whim, for He is the divine aspect of darkness.
The purple-red takes red, the colour which most represents 'power' combined with Zarosian purple, showing how Zaros is intertwined with power, for Zaros and His followers are mighty.
The robe itself is very covering, for virtue, modesty, and protection, all things the Zaroisian empire strives to represent and provide.
The belt represents the military; broad and thick, representing the strength of the armies, which, like the belt, encircle the core of the Zarosian empire, protecting it.
The shoulder pads are the Pontifex, kept close to the heart. The spikes reach up towards the sky, like many of the temples built to honour Zaros.
Finally the crown, representing the very head of the Zarosian religion.