On Topic: Since I personally took a cheap shot at Zamorak, I'd expect him and his followers to be a much more wary around me than they seem to be. Even prior to that, I sincerely wonder how any PC is just able to wander around Morytania unmolested when first arriving there, let alone someone like my PC.
Off Topic: This is a question that deserves examination even without taking faction into account. Sure, the Adventurer/World Guardian has done many great things, but we've made boneheaded decisions more than once. Conflict and change, often unpleasant, seem to follow us wherever we go. For all the villains we've stopped, we've aided the plans of plenty more (willingly or not).
Surely some people would not appreciate us. I'm not sure we could be prevented from going anywhere, given that the Powers That Be either like us, tolerate us, or realize that making a direct enemy of ours has rarely ended well for anyone.
Heck, if you're not a stubborn Guthixian, Godless, or a V supporter I'd think that many of the Godless would really dislike you. You're immune to the gods, but not helping to stop (all) of them. You're of absurdly high strength for a mortal; while you cannot become a god, if what the godless truly seek is a world where no one has enough power to warp the balance or shackle freedom you're a threat to that even sans gods.
There's a big deal made in the story about all the gods and the important mortals having flaws, and things to be held responsible for, but the same is almost never true for us. The average players has killed thousands of sentient beings and made earthshaking choices at the great benefit of some to the detriment of others. The very things I see some players use as justification for wanting to kill this or that NPC.
EDIT: I should check dates, had I known that EDCY had necro'd this thread from a YEAR AGO I wouldn't have responded.
18-Mar-2017 23:25:22
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18-Mar-2017 23:48:49