If NPCs took factions seriously, Zamorakian players would be in a bit of a weird spot thanks to 5th age quests.
NPC) *Player,* you claim to be Zamorakian. Is that correct?
Player) Yes.
NPC) You self describe as Zamorakian, and yet: you've repeatedly interfered with the plans of other Zamorakians; slaughtered a significant number of Kinshra, a militant Zamorakian group; aided a terrorist group in attempting to overthrow a state governed by one of Zamorak's allies, eventually causing said ally's demise; and actively opposed two groups that you had been told were trying to bring him back (admittedly one of those groups really didn't have that goal).
Player) That sums it up pretty nicely actually.
22-Apr-2016 14:59:59
- Last edited on
22-Apr-2016 15:31:57