Here's my list of questions:
How many more of Amascut’s reborn cat priestess’ (like Neite and Ka) are there estimated to be?
Is Sumona actually Amascut, or is she a thrall, or just a projection or something, like Saradomin had in Death of Chivalry?
What happens to the souls of Zarosians when they die?
Why is the symbol on the Master Clan Cape (elves) a wolf?
What would happen if we combined Runic Energy and Divine Energy from Wisps?
What were the “gifts” that Guthix gave to the other Guardians?
In what way is Aeternam shattered across the timeline: For example, does she have various avatars that live at various points in time, or is it something else?
Which plane of energy (Fire, Dust, Astral, etc)is the world of pure crystal, that Armadyl found, located in?
Where is Sarius Guile?
What is the fate of Polmafi Ferdygris and Flaygian Screwte.
Ghorrok remained untouched during the God Wars, and the few hundred survivors spread across the world at the start of the 4th Age. What race did they mostly consist of?
Juna reveals to us that Guthix had travelled to the Eastern Lands. What did he do there?
What happened to Filliman Tarlock?
Are the massive tree in the Lost Grove and the Great Tree in the Gnome Stronghold of the same or similar species? Are Spirit Trees related to them?
What is Dai Cadarn’s current location, or what is/has he been doing?
What is the difference between Black Knights and Dark Warriors, or Elite Black Knights and Elite Dark Warriors/Ranges/Mages, etc. in the Black Knight Catacombs?
What’s the history of the Agility Pyramid?
Why didn’t Armadyl bump up to T3 when he killed Bandos (or did he and it just hasn’t been announced yet)?
Is Jacquelyn Manslaughter Turael/Spira’s apprentice?
Will The World Wake’s post-quest rewards be updated for full new 5th Age Quests (for example: Replace the Branches of Darkmeyer req. with River of Blood, etc)?
18-Dec-2018 00:26:24