
Lore Corner - Your Questions Thread is locked

Quick find code: 341-342-811-66067381

Slay Waste

Slay Waste

Posts: 3,285 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Was the idea behind the Signature Heroes scrapped? Half of them have died (and the one that was resurrected came back twisted and has to stay in hiding). Wasn't the idea behind them to be recurring characters? Slayer is the most fun skill in the game - no questions asked
Supporter of 120 Summoning
Proud Zarosian

12-Dec-2018 23:53:16



Posts: 32,671 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lord Drakan said :
Deltaslug said :
What would the Wizard's Tower and Runecrafting Guild do if Wizard Fenix never found Runespan?

Correction: he came up with a theory, Elriss just expanded the bit of Runespan she had created in the first place.

FYI I maintain Finix is an evil ZMI spy.

Fine .....

What would the Wizard's Tower and Runecrafting Guild do if they hadn't discovered the Runespan?

... edited to remove Wizard Fenix.

13-Dec-2018 00:03:16

May Member 2019


Posts: 3,718 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A few dimension of disaster/alternate dimension style discussion points I'd be interested in:

What do you think is going on in some of the other kingdoms/areas?

With Zaros's diminished role does the Kharid still get invaded and does Icthlarin still sacrifice himself?

What sort of other alternate dimensions would you be interested in? I.E. What major event would you change and how would that play out?

Maybe one without Guthix or where the Stone of Jas is never created.

13-Dec-2018 02:51:59

Gamez X
Sep Member 2014

Gamez X

Posts: 885 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. With the needle, how come its just sitting there out in the open on a hill but seemingly no other gods have tried to take it. Wouldnt this be something they'd be after or is there a reason why they've left it be?

2. Did seren or one of her elves use the needle to create the enchanted key. If so, why does the key seem to be far more powerful and safer to use for time travel than the elder artifact?

3. Was the previous world guardian aeternam also a user of the needle, leading to her apparent time travelling abilities? If so does that mean she too was bound to it like gail, and perhaps blue aswell? Or was she instead the original user of the enchanted key?

4. Is saradomin blue exactly like gail because he used the needle sometime in the past, or is it just a coincidence their designs are very similar?

5. Guthix once said aeternam witnessed her successor's death (ours), does this mean she's out there somewhere in the world right now (as herself and not the balance elemental)

6. With the lore of ancient magic being far more fleshed out now what with the revelation of unique ancient worlds and a 5th miasmic element. Do you wish you could go back and make ancient magic more unique with perhaps its own set of runes and more spell types?

7. How do you see the rest of the dimension of disaster playing out. We know zemoregal rules varrock, the black knights took fally but what major changes do you see for other major areas. Like the desert, eastern lands, morytania, ardy, karamja, the elf lands?

8. In recent a recent lore book its said the imcando dwarves come from a place called "imcandoria". Is this a city or their home world?

9. What with there being many types of demons other than traditional fiery hellish ones (ice, jungle, etc), could this suggest that infernus is inspired/based on dante's inferno with there being many layers of infernus reaching into its core, each a different landscape than the last?

13-Dec-2018 03:41:43



Posts: 32,671 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What if Zamorak's little rebellion failed?
Despite all of their careful planning, those loyal to Zaros manage to incapacitate the followers of Zamorak. Zamorak himself is, at minimum, subdued by Zaros.
What happens to Zaros' empire?
How would the modern age look?

13-Dec-2018 04:58:29

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

Posts: 7,043 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Deltaslug said :
Lord Drakan said :
Deltaslug said :
What would the Wizard's Tower and Runecrafting Guild do if Wizard Fenix never found Runespan?

Correction: he came up with a theory, Elriss just expanded the bit of Runespan she had created in the first place.

FYI I maintain Finix is an evil ZMI spy.

Fine .....

What would the Wizard's Tower and Runecrafting Guild do if they hadn't discovered the Runespan?

... edited to remove Wizard Fenix.

Correction: they made the Runespan, rather than discovering it. ;P
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

13-Dec-2018 07:55:02

Mar Member 2012


Posts: 1,256 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Do the menaphites use "standard" elemental magic or do they use their own unique magic?

If Tumeken ever came back would he go after the surviving Mahjarrat?

Do they use runes in Wushanko for magic or is chi their source of magic power?

How many surge spells can a wizard realistically cast before killing themselves?

13-Dec-2018 09:06:01

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