1. With the needle, how come its just sitting there out in the open on a hill but seemingly no other gods have tried to take it. Wouldnt this be something they'd be after or is there a reason why they've left it be?
2. Did seren or one of her elves use the needle to create the enchanted key. If so, why does the key seem to be far more powerful and safer to use for time travel than the elder artifact?
3. Was the previous world guardian aeternam also a user of the needle, leading to her apparent time travelling abilities? If so does that mean she too was bound to it like gail, and perhaps blue aswell? Or was she instead the original user of the enchanted key?
4. Is saradomin blue exactly like gail because he used the needle sometime in the past, or is it just a coincidence their designs are very similar?
5. Guthix once said aeternam witnessed her successor's death (ours), does this mean she's out there somewhere in the world right now (as herself and not the balance elemental)
6. With the lore of ancient magic being far more fleshed out now what with the revelation of unique ancient worlds and a 5th miasmic element. Do you wish you could go back and make ancient magic more unique with perhaps its own set of runes and more spell types?
7. How do you see the rest of the dimension of disaster playing out. We know zemoregal rules varrock, the black knights took fally but what major changes do you see for other major areas. Like the desert, eastern lands, morytania, ardy, karamja, the elf lands?
8. In recent a recent lore book its said the imcando dwarves come from a place called "imcandoria". Is this a city or their home world?
9. What with there being many types of demons other than traditional fiery hellish ones (ice, jungle, etc), could this suggest that infernus is inspired/based on dante's inferno with there being many layers of infernus reaching into its core, each a different landscape than the last?
13-Dec-2018 03:41:43