Bandos isn't just dead ...
he's deader than Bounty Hunter.
he's deader than the Rat Pits.
He's deader than any mini-game off spotlight.
You do realize characters like Voldemort have been equally dead as how you described, and brought back right? They weren't 'just dead' but were deader than normal.
He's a planet destroyer. Goodbye.
That's the point, we need a villain and especially somebody who is absolutely ruthless that everybody hates. He prolonged the god wars for 4k years. Bandos's armies during the god wars spared not a single person and even ordered his armies to massacre all civilians or prisoners of war wherever they captured apparently. His that ruthless and evil.
19-Aug-2017 07:09:53
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19-Aug-2017 07:10:51
Thing is, Voldemort had never actually died. He was saved by his Horcruxes when he tried to kill Harry, and the closest thing to a Horcrux that Bandos made was destroyed by the World Guardian along with Zanik. He lost a tier because of it but he seemed to congratulate us for it.
Player: I apologise.
Bandos: Hah! Your victory should be commended. The gall to stand up to me is rare indeed.
Player: I defeated you before, and I can do it again.
Bandos: Well, I see you still have your spine! Forget your goblin friends, cowering in their caves. You belong in battle!
I also looked up the Wiki and it says that if Bandos had survived to take part in Sliske's Endgame, his pact with Zaros would have been the return of Zanik.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
Ancient Drew
Thing is, Voldemort had never actually died. He was saved by his Horcruxes when he tried to kill Harry, and the closest thing to a Horcrux that Bandos made was destroyed by the World Guardian along with Zanik. He lost a tier because of it but he seemed to congratulate us for it.
I'm talking about after all horcruxes were destroyed and it was practically impossible for him to come back at any capacity. Have you heard of 'Cursed Child' and its plot regarding return after that?
Ancient Drew
Thing is, Voldemort had never actually died. He was saved by his Horcruxes when he tried to kill Harry, and the closest thing to a Horcrux that Bandos made was destroyed by the World Guardian along with Zanik. He lost a tier because of it but he seemed to congratulate us for it.
I'm talking about after all horcruxes were destroyed and it was practically impossible for him to come back at any capacity. Have you heard of 'Cursed Child' and its plot regarding return after that?
Yes, and that involved changing events via time travel. He didn't come back to life so much as he never died in the first place.
Generally speaking, RS time travel doesn't seem to work that way. Anything we do in the past seems to have little or no ability to change the present. At most, we managed to get some fruit trees to live instead of die, change the outcomes of one particular family, and change the details of events that led to our situation in the future. RS time travel functions far more like that in Dr. Who in that you can generally change events, but history, overall, remains pretty constant. This renders the kind of return (and subsequent defeat, return, and defeat) unfeasible in RS.
I personally find this to be a good thing as you'd otherwise be cheapening character death in general.
He's a planet destroyer. Goodbye.
That's the point, we need a villain and especially somebody who is absolutely ruthless that everybody hates.
The Queen of Ashes.
The way you view Zamorak
RS time travel functions far more like that in Dr. Who in that you can generally change events, but history, overall, remains pretty constant. This renders the kind of return (and subsequent defeat, return, and defeat) unfeasible in RS.
I personally find this to be a good thing as you'd otherwise be cheapening character death in general.
19-Aug-2017 19:32:25
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19-Aug-2017 19:33:49
I am Sorry but everyone is right, Bandos is dead, he is a god and his soul is no longer real. Once he died he cease to exist, the only way to revive him is the elder gods, which WOULDN'T do it, because why?
If they did return him as a villain, it would have to be some sort of aspect he left behind, that is like Kami, but Bandos wasn't around in Gielinor as long as Guthix for that to happen. So Bandos is dead, this isn't harry potter where Voldy split his soul, because Bandos doesn't have a soul. This isn't Marvel or DC where they are magically revived or another universe replaces them.
Anyway, it's been implied that another will grow to take Bandos' place. Which is why I had the thought that an ogre shaman could take over as they're pretty damn powerful with magic and knowledge of summoning, and Grunsh was apparently intelligent. And there is likely to be energy leaking from Bandos, as his memories can be found and his remains create a portal to Yu'biusk as I recall.
Prepare for hell on RuneScape in
Naval Cataclysm!
He's a planet destroyer. Goodbye.
That's the point, we need a villain and especially somebody who is absolutely ruthless that everybody hates.
The Queen of Ashes.
The way you view Zamorak
For Zaros he would have to backstab us then suddenly decide to try and expand again on Gielinor, but I'm not sure if they could come to that.
Queen of Ashes can be a grey area since its hinted she seeks 'enlightenment' and liberation of certain groups but we have no idea, Xau-Tak seems more like it than her.
And its not 'merely the way I view Zamorak', its what type of character I believe his written to be based on by the writers themselves. Prove me wrong if you can, but I've found plenty of quotes from his followers and the godbook advocating for 'death of the weak/innocent in favor of the strong'.
But Zamorak's version is less unpleasant/claustrophobic, with more room to move around in than Zaros's form tbh(Like Vanescular) however who would want a more wallstreet style 'lawful survival of the fittest' society during the empire period from what people in lore fc discussion such as Gira have concluded. Just your average 'good ol USA' style society.
(Not meant to be an insult, as you can argue back if you want)
, where you would have to compete within the range of law against 'the strong' if they turned out to be unjust who are also protected often times better than you.
20-Aug-2017 06:26:44
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21-Aug-2017 05:38:11
It's possible that Bandos could kind of return in the same way that Guthix kind of did - his divine energy & memories could form into an entity like The Memory in ports.
You never were our brightest star, Khazard. 'Vermin slaughtered like lambs'? What does that even mean?