For me, it has been Zaros for almost as long as I've played the game. I started 10 years ago and for about 8 I've been Zarosian. The only reason I wasn't Zarosian beforehand, was simply because I didn't know he existed, in which case, I was technically Godless, not in the conventional sense however,more like... If Zaros didn't exist, I would've used the Stone to become that timeline's equivalent of Zaros.
His goals and ideals match almost exactly with my own, however, of course, Zaros' motives weren't exactly very clear until FoTG. Before I knew Zaros' true ideology, I was drawn in by the charm of his followers, namely, Azzanadra, Wahiesetel and Akthanakos. Of course, not all were as friendly as these, but their combined interest in history, magic and their air of mystery all appealed to my character. I suppose in a way, it just felt right, I click with their personalities well and overtime, as I learnt more and more, by sheer luck and coincidence, the Zarosian ideology just do happened to match nicely with my own.
After restoring Zaros, and hearing it from the horse's mouth directly, my allegiance was permanently set in stone. My gut feeling paid off and I ended up in the faction that matches what I like.
But yeah, I guess my character was just drawn to it by a weird gut feeling. It just felt like the right path to take, the personalities worked with my own and in the end, the ideology was a fantastic match.
Now I daresay I could give Azzanadra a run for his money as Pontifex Maximus.
04-Oct-2020 23:47:00