
Official Lore FC!

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A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I know this isn't strictly lore or fc related, but it's going to affect the forums in one way or another anyway. Including here. So consider this a PSA or whatever...

Looks like they're planning on some rule changes in the future. Jagex is also asking for feedback on them. I know moderators and the rules aren't exactly popular around these parts, but I figured you guys would want to know anyway because of the potential ramifications that can come from it.

As for how this affects what (admittedly, little) moderation I do here in the meantime, nothing's changing yet. Which means as long as nobody's being insanely disruptive or doing something over the top or stupid enough to draw unnecessary attention to themselves, I'm willing to let the petty stuff slide or work with you guys to smooth things out in case of more serious things.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

08-May-2017 22:34:12



Posts: 6,735 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Overpolicing has always led to drama unfortunately, but I don't see much if any change, honestly. Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.

08-May-2017 23:15:30 - Last edited on 09-May-2017 01:12:50 by Hazeel



Posts: 5,069 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A Mad Hatter said :
I know this isn't strictly lore or fc related, but it's going to affect the forums in one way or another anyway. Including here. So consider this a PSA or whatever...

Looks like they're planning on some rule changes in the future. Jagex is also asking for feedback on them. I know moderators and the rules aren't exactly popular around these parts, but I figured you guys would want to know anyway because of the potential ramifications that can come from it.

As for how this affects what (admittedly, little) moderation I do here in the meantime, nothing's changing yet. Which means as long as nobody's being insanely disruptive or doing something over the top or stupid enough to draw unnecessary attention to themselves, I'm willing to let the petty stuff slide or work with you guys to smooth things out in case of more serious things.
Appreciate the heads up.
Patrolling Lore FC almost makes you wish for a Great Revision.

09-May-2017 00:08:24

A Mighty

A Mighty

Posts: 2,337 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If only the rules were this relaxed around the time of the Lore Debates, they perhaps could have continued to this day...
To those cursed by war and pest, Come into the light of Armadyl and rest. This is the law of Armadyl.

09-May-2017 16:36:25

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Alright, I managed to throw together some cliff notes on the important stuff from the thread I mentioned in my last post. So if anyone's interested but doesn't feel like reading the entire thread, here they are. If not, more power to you, just ignore this and move on.
General Stuff

* The rule change is going to be done on a trial basis.

* The trial run starts on Monday (May 15th) and lasts for one month.

* To my knowledge, no information has been given on how Jagex and their CM team are going to determine if the trial run is a success.

* The goal of the trial is to make the forums feel less restrictive and more open in regards to expressing yourself.

* The basic rules can be found in the link provided in my last post.


* Links will be allowed.

* Jagex isn't allowing hyperlinking.

* Link shorteners cannot be used.

* Links must be safe and not malicious.

* Mod Matthe confirmed that no link verification system is going to be in place during the trial period. However, if things go well the team that works on those kinds of systems may look into getting something up and running.

* In the meantime, the above means that protecting yourself from malicious websites and all of the malware that comes with the territory is on you.

New Fmods

* If the trial run goes well Jagex is looking to recruit new faces to the forum moderation team. More info will be provided when they get to that point.

Tech Updates

* Nothing of Lorum relevance to put here.

Forum Specific Rules

* All of the currently existing FSRs are going to be looked at and brought up to date.

* No word on how this will affect forums (like this one) that don't have FSR's. It could go either way knowing Jagex.

<to be continued>
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

13-May-2017 03:14:26



Posts: 6,735 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Huh...that doesn't sound bad at all. Actually looking closer at the thread itself, a lot of this seems to be a very welcome update the players have been asking for.

I just hope the new F Mods are familiar to everyone. It's much nicer to have F Mods who are actually part of the community and can talk things out without resorting so quickly to the banhammer.
Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.

13-May-2017 03:32:44 - Last edited on 13-May-2017 03:52:05 by Hazeel

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Speech Stuff

* Political and religious topics are no longer going to be banned.

* However, discussion must be relevant to the thread topic and remain respectful.

** In case of the Lorums, I'm going to guess this means we can now discuss some of the topics comparing ingame mythology to real world religious mythology without having a random mod pop in and lock it under the No Politics/Religion rule.

* No word on whether or not swearing will be allowed, but judging from the goal of the trial run the occasional swear word is speculated to be alright as long as nobody swears at another person or overdoes it in general conversation. More info might come out closer to the start of the trial period, so don't take this bullet point as set in stone just yet.
I blame the character limit for making me divide this into 2 posts. >_>

Other than that, I'll be posting here about any relevant changes that will affect this forum as I learn more about them.
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

13-May-2017 03:59:04



Posts: 5,069 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A Mad Hatter said :
* The trial run starts on Monday (May 15th) and lasts for one month.
Are you sure it isn't more or less already in effect? As far as I can tell things have been remarkably lax ever since that thread blew up.
Patrolling Lore FC almost makes you wish for a Great Revision.

13-May-2017 04:05:18

A Mad Hatter
fmod Member

A Mad Hatter

Forum Moderator Posts: 9,861 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hazeel said :
Huh...that doesn't sound bad at all. Actually looking closer at the thread itself, a lot of this seems to be a very welcome update the players have been asking for.

I just hope the new F Mods are familiar to everyone. It's much nicer to have F Mods who are actually part of the community and can talk things out without resorting so quickly to the banhammer.

Trust me, I share your concerns too. It always annoyed the hell out of me how quickly some of my peers would just resort to outright locking and hiding without even attempting to find out what's going on beforehand.

[Ehhh...had more to say on the above, but not going to push my luck after recent events :| ]

But...I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Worst case scenario, nothing happens and we're back to square one after the month is up. Best case, everything goes smoothly and stuff starts improving in general. Either way this is going to be interesting. O_o

Raleirosen said :
Are you sure it isn't more or less already in effect? As far as I can tell things have been remarkably lax ever since that thread blew up. officially starts on Monday. But you're technically not wrong from what I've seen. :P
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^

^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^

13-May-2017 04:10:17 - Last edited on 14-May-2017 07:28:48 by A Mad Hatter

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