
Official Lore FC!

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07-Nov-2016 02:56:31

Chaos Lupus

Chaos Lupus

Posts: 9,633 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
[#0MGFV81HT] said :
Chaos Lupus said :
Mod Ollie plans to hang out in the FC for the release of Children of Mah.
Can we possibly get a time? I'm usually at school :(

J Mods usually join the chat before release and stay around for a few hours. It'll depend on whether or not Ollie has other things to do, but he was around for a quite a while on TLW's release day.
The strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack.

07-Nov-2016 04:42:32

Angof Cywir

Angof Cywir

Posts: 66 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I know politics are considered not a topic of discussion allowed in the lore fc anymore, but tomorrow, election day, where they will announce the winner, for old times sake, lets just remove this rule one last time in the fc, don't you say? :D
I submissively obey Lady Seren's every whim and relish every waking moment willingly serving her. She is my mistress and I am nothing without her. I am without thought, self-awareness, and being without her. She is my everything.

08-Nov-2016 07:34:56



Posts: 6,735 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Angof Cywir said :
I know politics are considered not a topic of discussion allowed in the lore fc anymore, but tomorrow, election day, where they will announce the winner, for old times sake, lets just remove this rule one last time in the fc, don't you say? :D

Technically it's allowed...but very discouraged. It tends to lead to derailment and...some people simply can't handle it. That said, it's inevitable when our next President is announced so...go nuts.
Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.

08-Nov-2016 07:59:53

Angof Cywir

Angof Cywir

Posts: 66 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jaina says it was completely banned @_@
I submissively obey Lady Seren's every whim and relish every waking moment willingly serving her. She is my mistress and I am nothing without her. I am without thought, self-awareness, and being without her. She is my everything.

08-Nov-2016 08:09:32

Jaina Katarn

Jaina Katarn

Posts: 35 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Angof Cywir said :
Jaina says it was completely banned @_@

The reason politics is discouraged is that it tends to piss people off and lead to nothing constructive, merely shit-flinging and insults. I had actually been thinking of possibly staying out of chat today solely to avoid any discussion of the election, because I know no good would come of getting involved in such a topic. There's a time and a place for everything, and I don't see a game I play to have fun and de-stress as the place to talk about serious real-life issues that are a great source of stress.

Just my two cents...
Zarosian lorehound
~ ~Self-proclaimed #1

The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.

08-Nov-2016 19:09:22

Eren Lapucet

Eren Lapucet

Posts: 1,658 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Look, despite my trolling, I understand why people don't like politics.


It annoys me when some generals "declare" that politics is not allowed in the fc. Since that's not an official rule, and a single general can't (read: shouldn't) decide a fc rule on their own.

And to say it's "discouraged" is incognito for "multiple people in the fc right now don't like it".

I actually tried in the past to make people decide on official rules on politics and religion, but it never went anywhere.
I'm too Unaligned to have a forum signature.

10-Nov-2016 23:44:07



Posts: 6,735 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There really aren't any hard rules, because it's generally agreed we should just handle things on a case by case basis. During dry spells, it's inevitable that real world discussion will arise, including politics...and sometimes it's not an issue, sometimes people have fun just innocently discussing some issue or making jokes.

But among all topics, politics is one that is quick to spiral out of controll and start heated fights. Not always, but certainly at a higher frequency than anything else. That's why that, while I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion, it's better that we tread carefully when it comes to politics. This is, after all, not a political platform for you to discuss, so I'm not going to protect anyone's political ideals. If a fight's going on, I need to call an end to the discussion that prompted this.
Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.

10-Nov-2016 23:52:48



Posts: 7,343 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
That was AMAZING.

Enjoy my paragraph. It's a tad all over the place, but I'm still hyped with joy.

I fucking loved this quest, from the Lava surfing to the betrayal sequence, to Zamorak hilariously thinking he could take Zaros on in any sort of fair fight, I told you lot didn't I? Without the staff Zamorak would of been absolutely throttled, and oh how he was, now under Zaros's boot for one last order to be paid off in the grand finale Next month.

We've learned so much and I think it's a breath of fresh air to know our dear faction friends don't have to face oblivion anymore for the sake of some petty tradition.

Few concerns though, The only thing I wanted answered wasn't. Why do Aktahankos and Enakhra hate each other :(

I'm also surprised at the lack of ability to voice our support for either Zaros or Zamorak honestly, I know we could influence the entirety of Kharshais involvement which in its own way was pretty nice, and Zaros was very pleasant with me the entire way through the quest, while Zamorak wasn't. My quest log reads I have Zaros's respect due to aiding his return and helping the Mahjarrat free themselves from oblivion. Which is always nice.

Lack of Post quest is always an issue, but this time especially. I feel like it ended with so much more left to say especially after everything that happened.

This has been well worth the wait I reckon.

FYI: Check the Godscore board too. Seren now has a kill, Zaros has a win score. and we got an additional point too.

Zarosian Lorehound

Master Questcape Owner

Inconsistent Completionist

21-Nov-2016 13:28:34 - Last edited on 21-Nov-2016 13:42:29 by Zulkir

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