I wish there was a bit more seriousness to Brassica and even lore that makes him more relevant as a god.
So whilst I disagree that there should be more seriousness there, I do believe that Brassica is entirely relevant as a god.
Our gods are NOT celestial entities that forged the universe (not to be confused with the Elder Gods). They are mortals who ascended to their position by absorbing power in some way. Either by providence of their birth (Zaros and Seren, who absorbed their power via Mah) or by action (Zamorak who stole his divinity from Zaros).
Whilst they act high and mighty and superior, at their core, their truest self, they're just as mortal as anyone else and as fallible.
This is where Brassica (and to an extent Marimbo, but Brassica most of all) comes in. Brassica is the surest, most ridiculous, example of what a god is. He is a cabbage that gained divine power because [REDACTED] and became a god. He is a reminder to all the gods that they too once walked on the dirt and struggled like the rest of us. That he has just as strong a claim to the name "god" as any of them do.
He's a reminder to mortals as well and that's why the other gods are a little wary of him.
For RuneScape he serves a similar purpose. A reminder that, yes, our game can be very serious. We can be dark, we can be cruel, we can match (and in my opinion exceed) the story quality of any other game for serious narrative. But we're also fun and we're silly and we made a name for ourselves with puns and terrible dad-jokes. Brassica represents this heritage as well.
My two cents.
= Raven =
I wish there was a bit more seriousness to Brassica and even lore that makes him more relevant as a god.
So whilst I disagree that there should be more seriousness there, I do believe that Brassica is entirely relevant as a god.
Our gods are NOT celestial entities that forged the universe (not to be confused with the Elder Gods). They are mortals who ascended to their position by absorbing power in some way. Either by providence of their birth (Zaros and Seren, who absorbed their power via Mah) or by action (Zamorak who stole his divinity from Zaros).
Whilst they act high and mighty and superior, at their core, their truest self, they're just as mortal as anyone else and as fallible.
This is where Brassica (and to an extent Marimbo, but Brassica most of all) comes in. Brassica is the surest, most ridiculous, example of what a god is. He is a cabbage that gained divine power because [REDACTED] and became a god. He is a reminder to all the gods that they too once walked on the dirt and struggled like the rest of us. That he has just as strong a claim to the name "god" as any of them do.
He's a reminder to mortals as well and that's why the other gods are a little wary of him.
For RuneScape he serves a similar purpose. A reminder that, yes, our game can be very serious. We can be dark, we can be cruel, we can match (and in my opinion exceed) the story quality of any other game for serious narrative. But we're also fun and we're silly and we made a name for ourselves with puns and terrible dad-jokes. Brassica represents this heritage as well.
My two cents.

= Raven =
19-May-2017 09:22:11