Being transcendent does not mean that they are detached , emotionless, and impersonal. Though I would say that Zaros fits those criteria. Rather, that Transcendent means they are beyond the scope of a mere figure, and fulfill a role to existence that goes beyond that of mortals, and even other deities.
Perhaps I exaggerated a bit. They are in no way as powerful as Elder Gods, nor do they shape all of existence. But they do represent the same cycle that the Elder Gods do, but on a manageable scale that does not demolish everything. But they are transcendent because their roles are a way of the Universe, and though the scale of their role is smaller, it is still one that is essential, and will need to be filled, always.
I also think you underestimate their importance slightly, because in the coming years, they will determine how the ways of the Universe might fundamentally change. Without the Elders, their will be a vacuum where they normally did an essential role. And Zaros and Seren
the ones who would end up filling it, because they do the same on a smaller scale
I concur that the Elder Gods have always just been doing their own thing, since probably the beginning of the Universe. Trying to ascribe a purpose is like trying to ascribe purpose to the wind, or the waves. They just are.
As for what is natural- well, it is fair to have self-preservation, but all things come to an end, and new things always arise. But if the Elder Gods were usurped, the natural flow of existence could be managed much less cataclysmically.
Finally, to address Mah- I don't think there is much will on her part. She feels, and things happen. If she feels alone, she spawns creatures. Seren and Zaros were examples of this. It just happens. She may be broken, but like the other Elder Gods, saying that she "Willed" it is to fundamentally misunderstand what an Elder God
. They just are.
02-Dec-2015 04:22:52