Since you're currently Zarosian and your primary goal is for this account to be a different experience, then the immediately logical choice would be Zamorak. Their ideologies are effectively opposite, thus giving you the best chances of playing a totally different character. Sliske is a similar choice for similar reasons, but in my opinion roleplaying as a Sliskean would be very difficult and probably not worth the effort.
Another way of looking at it, however, is to consider how Zaros is closely tied to Mah lore; Zamorak, Seren and Sliske all fall under the same Mah umbrella (Mahmbrella, if you will). So perhaps a better way of seeking a new experience is to choose an alignment that lacks the Mah connection -- Saradomin being the obvious choice.
Armadyl is another option
just kidding he has no lore. The Godless, while also lacking engaging lore, at least have a strong platform to stand on, so I'd personally consider them a decent choice.
Ultimately I think it depends on what you specifically want to differ from Sepulchre: if you want your new account's actual character to be different, go with option 1 and pick an alignment with an ideology opposite to that of Zaros (e.g. Zimzams), but if you instead prefer your interactions with NPCs to be what differs (and to explore different aspects of RuneScape's lore), then pick option 2 and go with a non-Mah alignment like Saradomin.
EDIT: Just to cover all 9 bases: the Bandos faction has effectively been Hazeeled, and V is of course a joke. Both are beneath consideration.
...except if you're intending to use this account solely to experience older content and not to continue onward into future Sixth Age content, in which case going Bandosian would actually be the optimal choice, given that he had aspects of both options 1 and 2 discussed above.
Patrolling Lore FC almost makes you wish for a Great Revision.
27-May-2016 00:46:15
- Last edited on
27-May-2016 01:05:12