It'll be nice, because I'm starting to get bored of bashing Saradomin. I want something to challenge my insentience that he should be destroyed (maybe he should learn some manners when talking with the World Guardian).
Saradomin treated me with unerring respect during Endgame. The problem might lie with you, m8.
Quite so. In my case, Zamorak hates me and has many unkind things to say. Yet to a close friend, who isn't even Zamorakian or pro-Zamorak, he was totally cordial (because unlike me he hadn't actively screwed Zamorak over time after time).
It would seem that being obstructive, rude, and/or openly hostile to a given god seems to try their patience by the time you get to Endgame. While this makes perfect sense, it's also a recipe for easy confirmation bias among the playerbase.
(As for "other tribes killed them", that seems like a very safe assumption to make, what with Azzy and Sliske having entirely wiped out the Mahkorat as vengeance for
a single murder
that they didn't even commit. Seems like genocide wasn't exactly a rare commodity on Freneskae.)
This is a fantastic argument that I haven't seen anyone use yet, and I'm surprised I haven't thought about it.
Why is genocide acceptable when the Mahjarrat do it, but when Seren did it (with good intentions) she's automatically the most evil person alive (Note: I am not defending her actions, just questioning the accountability standards by players)?
Not many seem to see the forinthy explosion genocide as acceptable either... or the so called nagerragi genocide. Or the so called zarosian genocide. To us, these are just ammo in faction wars. Azzy destroying an enemy tribe on freneskae before the zarosian empire is not that effective propaganda material for faction wars
I do not ship ZamorakxZaros.
I follow them. And Marimbo, the best t5 god.
Protect: Zaros, Icthlarin, Guth- Oh...
Destroy: Uhhh... Xau-Tak and the Queen of Ashes I guess? Seren if she doesn't get off her goddamn period.
Idc: All the rest.
Maiden China
Destroy: Seren if she doesn't get off her goddamn period
*wonders if that's an okay thing to say if one is a girl*
If we can mock men for their privates in today's society, then we should be able to mock women for their periods.
Maiden China
Destroy: Seren if she doesn't get off her goddamn period
*wonders if that's an okay thing to say if one is a girl*
Go back to Tumblr.
We must secure an existence for Zaros followers and a future for Zarosian children.
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