*reads thread*
This is a great thread. The vitriol reaction is lovely.
I'd have to agree with the OP. As others have said there is no true freedom and Zamorak's way of doing things is never the less imposing his world view on those who may not agree with it. And this new hierarchy and system? It's order. Not Saradomin's order, not Zaros's order, but order none the less. A set way of doing things. Societal expectation.
And Zamorak himself? The Elders would be pacified and the Kin dealt with before he would move to finish off the other young gods. He would have all the artifacts, and who in their right mind would leave them lying around? He would either wear them or lock them away, preventing others from their use. This is inherent suppression of the power others could attain. It leads to others' stagnation. If he didn't do this he would violate his own ideology for refusing to get more power.
Yeah. He's screwed no matter what he does.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.
23-Mar-2017 02:02:25