There is a really easy and likely explanation for why the Burning Nihl looks different. It's that he's made out of different species. There's no reason to assume Zaros only stuck to the Vampyre, Icyene, Demon, Aviancy matrix.
I have some evidence to further suggest what I say is the truth.
Open up the event page, and look at the rewards scale. The one where you see your progress towards the event. Examine the boots. It will say something along the lines of "torn from the legs of a race build for running". Except, what species of the 4 would even have legs built for running. All four of them can fly largely making legs for hardcore running redundent . So I'm thinking that there is a greater chance that the legs were taken from a different species. Maybe Terrorbird, or Elf.
13-Nov-2016 15:46:56
- Last edited on
13-Nov-2016 16:53:40