*Sigh* Alright then, let's begin the dissection:
1. It is not a fact that Wen is in two pieces. That is a theory. There is the alternative theories that Wen is simply so massive that she stretches between the two mountain ranges or that Wen is active below Gielinor's surface.
2. It was never established that parasites can control gods, only that Guthix allowed them to connect to his nervous system in order to communicate with them.
3. We know that Mah is supposed to play an active role in the creation of a revision (she inhibited sentient life), so it would make no sense for them to return and find Mah still born. Rather, Zaros's interpretation, that they left Mah for stillborn from the beginning.
Beyond that, the fact that the Dragonkin came from the previous revision strongly suggests that Mah's corruption originates at some point near the end of the previous cycle. And because the corruption would have had to occur
the others were creating the universe, this would mean that, despite not playing an active role in creation, Wen travels with the others while the universe is being created.
4. There is nothing in the surrounding geography that suggests that White Wolf and Ice Mountains were created by a large object crashing into the surface (no impact crater). For example, the Wilderness has a crater that is very clearly meant to have been caused by the explosion that woke Guthix at the end of the 3rd age, Tuska's crash landing left bits of her strewn about the surrounding area, Tumeken's explosion left the Kharidian a desert, the Poison Wastes exist because of the processes the gnomes of Arposandra utilize, etc...
03-Apr-2017 19:23:44