That is friggin awesome. Definitely X-T. I'm really glad they're starting to pull away from our standard idea of a ""god"". The tiers idea was interesting at first, but I think the lore forum, in particular, got very carried away with it. The lore mods themselves got carried away creating similar backstories for each god, "they accidentally-on-purpose killed a previous god with an elder artifact/ate the elder artifact," which is soooo boooooooooriiiingggg. The narrative with the elder gods, younger gods, great revisions, etc. is just too
. They've pretty much written themselves into a corner with it unless they've intentionally deceiving us.
I admit I'm hoping for some retconning in the future to the effect of, "that's how you, the player character were able understand it at the time."
Continual disappointment is the spice of life.
14-Mar-2017 13:09:17