Thank you for all those wonderful threads!
Ever since I first stepped foot on Gielenor and began to learn of the gods, I've always favored Saradomin. That has held true for many years, and once the God Emissaries were released: I immediately pledged my loyalty to Saradomin.
However, with time: more and more damning evidence came out trying to downcast Saradomin. Well, he suddenly didn't seem like the benevolent god I had fallen in love with. Still, I stood by his side, showing my loyalty.
But more and more lore came out, making m'lord look bad. Finally, after hearing Garlandia's tale, I gave up on him and switched to Armadyl's cause.
There I've remained for many months, but after reading all the linked threads: you've helped me see the light of holy Saradomin once more. He truly cares for his followers, and while he does make some mistakes: he's doing what he truly thinks is right.
I'm still upset by his displays of arrogance, and the Garlandia incident still shakes me a little, but overall: Saradomin is a good guy, and I'm proud to call him my god.
QPC Since Dec 9th, 2020
23-Mar-2014 22:48:17