I just want to express my happiness that after three months of absence I find my thread still kicking
Ship on, lorehounds. Can't wait to read and catch up this evening.
Maiden China
I think the explanation for Gorvek was he's an 'outlier' of regular dragons like the King Black Dragon is.
And yeah, I know the Spirit Dragons are eastern ones but that's what I mean, they're so vastly different to western ones but still recognised as dragons.
You're right, dragons are more...moldable, more flexible than humans when it comes to alterations like that.
until you talk to a d&d player
Never played Dungeons and Dragons. I wanted to try Dungeons and Dragons Online though.
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Maiden China
until you talk to a d&d player
Never played Dungeons and Dragons. I wanted to try Dungeons and Dragons Online though.
I would like to try, but... nerds don't have too many friends (and oddly very few of my friends are nerds)
Gilvain x Zanik. After the whole Dorgeshuun quest I've grown quite fond of her. Also, Kindred Spirits seems to somehow make this canon, as they mention there that the player has feelings for her, which further encourages me :3
30-Sep-2016 20:20:51
- Last edited on
30-Sep-2016 20:23:50
Gilvain x Zanik. After the whole Dorgeshuun quest I've grown quite fond of her. Also, Kindred Spirits seems to somehow make this canon, as they mention there that the player has feelings for her, which further encourages me :3
Well, to quote Hguoh on something you can talk to Zanik about recently in another topic:
"Zanik: I...please, that's enough. I don't want to relive it anymore.
I'm sorry Zanik.
Zanik: It's ok Player, you saved me from there. I will always love you for that.
Zanik: Erm... I will always thank you for that...don't...er... Don't read anything into that ok?
Player: But what if I want to read something into that?
Zanik: Then please excuse me whilst I turn bright red and gibber in an incoherently embarassing manner.
Player: Duly noted."
Yeah the latest addition to Zanik's dialogue made me really happy. I can safely assume that we're a real couple now, tragic but real. She's so cute when she's embarrassed
Yeah the latest addition to Zanik's dialogue made me really happy. I can safely assume that we're a real couple now, tragic but real. She's so cute when she's embarrassed
we'll never need real girlfriends now
what is real anyway?
by the way, does no one ship elena anymore? she does at one point say she has feelings for the player and (I think) something like 'our love can never be'