Perhaps if the Daeylt ore is imbued with the Stones power, it could have some effect on the blood altar. It has a lot more..."other stuff" to it than rune essence, which is pure, so perhaps it could be used to only partially store runic energy, which useful? If it cant store energy, it could be used to conduct it.
Wild idea; Refine Daeylt into daeylt bars, imbue it with blood energy the same way we do in the elemental workshop and craft some badass blood weaponry. "A full vampyre can draw the blood from you body with a gesture" and all that, using weapons with powers over blood to do so
EDIT: I rembered what I was aiming at, essence cant be used to craft weapons, normal ores cannot be used to store runic energy, Daeylt could be a halfway between that allows the crafting of stable weapons imbued with runic energy
07-Nov-2012 00:22:05
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07-Nov-2012 00:24:39