The way I see the difference is how they look. Vampires are mostly human-like, vampyres have the wings mostly. Vampires turn into the natural bats, vampyres haven't seem to do so.
^Thanks. I'd think a lot of people are excited for the next quest at this point tbh...but you might wanna be prepared to wait another 40,005,839,203,284,320,243 years at this point if some of what Ana said is true :/
"We were having a bit of a discussion in the clan and I was wondering if Mod Ana could clear this issue up. Vampyres which used to be called vampires. Is there a difference to vampyres? Have they a relation to vampyres? Any chance you could get them reverted back?"
I know I'm not Mod Ana, but I think whatever differences there were between the 2 have been retconned now and they're just one race. But from my vague understanding of the race, it was the vampires that were feral savages with no control over their powers, and the vampyres were the ones who retained enough of their sanity/intelligence to control their abilities.
"A Mad Hatter, clean this Black Knights' Fortress mess out so we won't have to look at it again here. Or any Forum Mod."
I know it's been a while since that was posted, but a few off topic posts every now and then won't hurt anything. The only catch is everyone involved just needs to keep things civil and we won't have many problems worth fighting over.
Oh, and Freolin, you were right about the OP spelling. Updated and thanks
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^
^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^
Pages 6 and 27 are the only two posts that have anything remotely related to the topic (on this thread at least; I'll check my own archives and see what else I can find from the last thread). Granted, she didn't openly say anything, but it's not too hard to read between the lines >.<
^+^ Antediluvian of the Draculesti Bloodline ^+^
^+^ If the Gods see fit to curse us with the Blood, then we shall raise ourselves above them ^+^
I really like the simple answers, I really do. It'll keep the history/origins between vampyres and vampires separate, rather with the similarities. I agree with everything Hatter describes, for vampires are savages beyond belief, when the vampyres are in order. Don't you agree, brother?
Quiet! The sword is nearby. And don't try to bring me into this, you've been making us look like fools every time you argued what people call you. And please finish what was planned, I hate calling you that ridiculous-
Fine, fine. But just be glad things get cleared up easily-
What's that got to do with this!?
... Hey, is that a pink bunny?
Don't even try to trick me that demon's- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!