We still don't know if any Icyene were converted to Vyrewatch. When Mod Osborne was asked about this, he simply said that this was a 'minefield question' and that the Icyene and Vampyres have a complex relationship. All we know for sure is that humans have been converted to Juveniles who have evolved into Vyrewatch over centuries.
Mod Osborne also mentioned that the Drakan siblings are 'original' Vampyres, meaning that they all came from Vampyrium. This means that Vanescula is an 'original' Vampyre and therefore probably wasn't an Icyene beforehand. This has in all likelihood blown a lot of our old theories about her out of the water.
Because of this, I'm still sticking to the idea that Vanescula's 'interest' in Safalaan could very well be romantic. Alternatively, she could very well be just faking interest in him in order to eliminate him later on, seeing as he is most certainly a potential threat to her.
But that would make for a less entertaining story, right?
28-Dec-2013 19:12:22