
^+^ Myreque Future V4 ^+^

Quick find code: 341-342-29-65084936

Gold Devill
Nov Member 2011

Gold Devill

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The Myreque thread! So nostalgic...

I wish I could read everything written in here, but I can't. :(

I had a couple of theories about daeyalt, but I can't seem to remember all of them.

I can only remember the one about it being used by the icyene to forge the blade of the godsword. But I don't even know if that is even plausible anymore, since they changed the blades according to the hilt attached to them.
The vampyres, under Zamorak, invaded Hallowvalle in order to have access to the ore and try to forge various godsword blades for Zamorak's army. But vampyres don't seem to be such a trustworthy race, making me doubt this theory.

EDIT: nope, just remembered the godsword blade was forged by the aviantese

The other I can remember is that they use daeyalt to keep the perma-night sky of Morytania. Much more plausible.

And the last I remember, is that they use it to maintain any vyrewatch icyene a vyrewatch.

About Vanescula being Effaritay, I don't think that's the case. Vanescula is Effaritay's daughter and Safalaan's sister. Working as a vyrewatch under Lord Drakan to keep their mother alive. And I thought Ascertes was human, are there anything that proves that he's icyene as well?

Love these threads and I was very happy to see that they are still around! :D ^_^

25-Dec-2013 15:52:03 - Last edited on 26-Dec-2013 06:58:33 by Gold Devill



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We still don't know if any Icyene were converted to Vyrewatch. When Mod Osborne was asked about this, he simply said that this was a 'minefield question' and that the Icyene and Vampyres have a complex relationship. All we know for sure is that humans have been converted to Juveniles who have evolved into Vyrewatch over centuries.

Mod Osborne also mentioned that the Drakan siblings are 'original' Vampyres, meaning that they all came from Vampyrium. This means that Vanescula is an 'original' Vampyre and therefore probably wasn't an Icyene beforehand. This has in all likelihood blown a lot of our old theories about her out of the water.

Because of this, I'm still sticking to the idea that Vanescula's 'interest' in Safalaan could very well be romantic. Alternatively, she could very well be just faking interest in him in order to eliminate him later on, seeing as he is most certainly a potential threat to her.

But that would make for a less entertaining story, right?

28-Dec-2013 19:12:22

Gold Devill
Nov Member 2011

Gold Devill

Posts: 637 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
[#TWA99I4ZX] said :
We still don't know if any Icyene were converted to Vyrewatch. When Mod Osborne was asked about this, he simply said that this was a 'minefield question' and that the Icyene and Vampyres have a complex relationship. All we know for sure is that humans have been converted to Juveniles who have evolved into Vyrewatch over centuries.

Mod Osborne also mentioned that the Drakan siblings are 'original' Vampyres, meaning that they all came from Vampyrium. This means that Vanescula is an 'original' Vampyre and therefore probably wasn't an Icyene beforehand. This has in all likelihood blown a lot of our old theories about her out of the water.

Because of this, I'm still sticking to the idea that Vanescula's 'interest' in Safalaan could very well be romantic. Alternatively, she could very well be just faking interest in him in order to eliminate him later on, seeing as he is most certainly a potential threat to her.

But that would make for a less entertaining story, right?

Nice! :D Thanks for the update!
I already think romantic interest is less entertaining, imagine a faking interest plot, it's just horrid hahaha.
I know we're having a quest about daeyalt, but are there any significant hints about it?

28-Dec-2013 21:15:27

Sep Member 2006


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Let me stick this back to my profile so I don't lose it.
Septem Principe , venator sanguinis. -
Nascimur sanguinis homines per sanguinem sanguine infectum . Timent vetustum sanguineum .

31-Dec-2013 18:00:48 - Last edited on 02-Jan-2014 19:40:01 by Caistle



Posts: 2,770 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gold Devill said :

I know we're having a quest about daeyalt, but are there any significant hints about it?

Mod Osborne did say that it "highlights" one of the vampyres' weaknesses. Most folks seem to think this is haemalchemy, but I don't think haemalchemy and Daeyalt Ore are ever explicitly linked in the quest series. My guess is it has something to do with Rune Essence.

Essence is what we use to repurify the Salve and absorb the contamination. It's what new Misthalin kings use to strengthen the barrier. And I wouldn't be surprised if it's what established the Salve barrier in the first place. In the 4th Age, Saradomin couldn't have directly blessed the river, and besides, the 7 Priestly Warriors were a combination of Saradominists and Guthixians, who probably would have sought a more neutral blessing.

Essence was likely discovered by V- in the 2nd Age, but was not widely known on the mainland until its discovery in year 1 of the 5th Age. It's feasible that some may have been lost as the Moonclan traveled between their altars, meaning that Misthalin could have scavenged some minute quantities, but it would have been rare, precious, and mysterious. Misthalin could have, at great expense, used all reserves of this unknown substance to purify the Salve, or perhaps one of the 7 even had a secret Moonclan connection.

At any rate, essence seems capable of absorbing vampyric corruption. It may even be capable of being modified to absorb this corruption from a living/undead body, thus robbing a vyre of their power. And, since Daeyalt was created in the same way as Essence (SoJ surrounded by rocks), I'd be surprised if there wasn't some latent capacity for either replicating or countering that power within it. Daeyalt may be the key to destroying the vyres, or it COULD be the key to permanently breaking the Salve barrier.

Those are just my ideas.

31-Dec-2013 22:28:39

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