But what was the significance of the blade Death asked Cres to try to sharpen?
I'm not sure but considering it being referred to as a farm tool and it belonging to harold/Death, I think the tool is the scythe death is always associated with!
But what was the significance of the blade Death asked Cres to try to sharpen?
I'm not sure but considering it being referred to as a farm tool and it belonging to harold/Death, I think the tool is the scythe death is always associated with!
It might have had a dual function ...
1) Harold knew I*cress would dutifully focus on it, so Harold could go about his business undisturbed (a distraction)
2) The tool itself served as a sort of test. Perhaps by focusing on it so much, as well as actually being able to get as far as he had in sharpening it, Ipcress showed the skills/traits the Guardians of Guthix were looking for in the future Guardians.
Death/Harold knew he would get the tool/blade back at some point.
Death was in disguise along with his weapon before he confronted Zemmy. So what Ipcress saw before that point and what everyone else saw before that confrontation with Zemmy was a farm tool and a pale, scrawny & prob malnourished human. His farm tool was only a test he didn't need his Guthix blessed weapon sharpened. Death was most likely testing how dedicated Cres was to his work as an artisan perhaps Guthix was in need of a Guardian/artisan with great intelligence &/or dedication, who if needed could create an army to fight an evil that might get out of hand in future. Without the need for Guthix to intervene. Like an army of watchers who would fulfill their purpose when the time called for it. Or security for while Guthix was asleep and in need of protecting.
If World Wakes is done for you then you know what Cres was chosen to do.
Like someone mentioned earlier...I hope his work isn't done and he returns to introduce us to invention.
If his body was just a construct surely he built backups and if Death sees it's not his time, he may very well return or has returned and we just haven't found out yet. Maybe he lives outside the rules that Death goes by since those rules apply to mortals not constructs. Allowing him to return?
of the Godless
safe, one world event at a time.
13-May-2015 18:50:03
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13-May-2015 21:08:55
Looked like Death was starting the Guthix recruiting process while trying to save the souls that Zemmy thought slipped past him, if he knew of Death before that point at all that is...
Also Death probably saw potentially loyal/reliable future guardians within the Zarosian Empire hence Cres. Being a well known artisan and prob the best in the empire.
Was smart to recruit from within and sneaky too. Specially since there were many within who were sick of their lives as it was in the empire like Cres and many others in that crowd when Zemmy showed up with his flesh bag giant. Very clever of Death to take advantage of that opportunity. Another possible recruit within the empire a chthonian demon named Ocellus. Most likely Guthix recruited him directly because the others prob saw him as untrustworthy and very shifty. But being Zaros' pet for so long can you blame him?
of the Godless
safe, one world event at a time.
13-May-2015 20:07:22
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13-May-2015 21:39:34
Your signature has been removed because it contains flame-bait, which is not what we want in the runescape forums. You are free to choose a new signature, but please ensure that it follows the Code of Conduct*
** signature is not flame-bait. It is an honest and heartfelt protest and has not started one flame since I put it up on the day the signature feature came out. The only one who has broken any rules would be you power abusing because you disagree with my dislike of Jagex selling progress in Runescape and posting off topic. Please do not stretch the rules in the future to justify your own personal bias or touch my account without my permission as that is highly rude.
Also I would appreciate it if you could look at the matter objectively and understand your actions were on the biased side and not just power abuse ban me because I disagreed with your power abuse politely despite the actions you took against my account without my permission. Notice my avatar. That is a trimmed completionist hood. I was the 310th person to play this game to "completion". This is not a troll account. This is my one and only account and I am not trolling or flame-baiting when I exorcise my right to protest the direction this game has taken on some fronts.
Furthermore this statement is also my twitter bio where Mod Osborne and Raven follow me. And my in game examine. No one, not even Jagex staff have had a problem with it except you. Including the jmod on this thread that replied to me.
Edit: I was a bit hotheaded when I wrote this and am prepared to accept it was a misunderstanding on both our parts and have reworded my signature to still get the point across but express less of my utter hatred of the subject. I hope this is a reasonable compromise.
14-May-2015 01:24:06
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14-May-2015 23:03:40
Um, it just makes me a little bit confused about whom have really chosen the Guardians of Guthix... is it the Anima Mundi, is it the other Guardians, or is it a the awake and slumbering plans of Guthix?
Juna for example talks like Guthix was the one to have chosen her, when in reality it sounds more like it was the Anima Mundi here. Not to mention the fact that Fiara did not yet have the Fist of Guthix to guard; and nor Juna the Tears of Guthix.
That makes me feel that they are chosen by the world's anima, and then later accepted the tasks Guthix gave to them, in pro of the world itself I guess.
Still, I don't fully understand their real role prior to Guthix's tasks (apart from Death himself), or why/how they were all chosen to hold these greater powers...
14-May-2015 02:04:24
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14-May-2015 02:05:13
Original message details are unavailable.
Gielinor is in pain.
War rages on her surface, and Juna feels it too. This cannot continue - the world will be broken.
My brothers are now many, and over the years I have grown and nurtured them to be strong. In my dreams, Guthix tells me that we should prepare for war; that - if need be - he will return, and exact reckoning on those who would bend this world to their will.
Should that time come, we guardians stand ready.
I'm actually glad this debunks the myth that Guthix is a pacifist. The automatons were made for war. Is the time ready to deploy them again?
~ There must be Tranquillity and Conflict, Liberty and Control, Order and Chaos, Collectivity and Individuality, there must be... Balance! ~
Notice my avatar. That is a trimmed completionist hood. I was the 310th person to play this game to "completion". This is not a troll account. This is my one and only account and I am not trolling or flame-baiting when I exorcise my right to protest the direction this game has taken on some fronts.
This part wasn't needed to get your point across I feel like you're saying every account from a lvl 3 skiller to a regular completionist has the capability to auto troll because they are on worthless accounts... well except for "trimmed compers"? When we have learned from the past trimmed compers being banned that they are capable of anything that any other lvl account can do. Such as botting, rwting etc. so why would a trimmer have immunity to trolling? I'm not saying you have done any of those things but I implied it's possible as history has shown that to be true with others. Sorta how you implied every account who isn't trimmed could be a troll or a trashable account to not be taken seriously. But really every account is as legit as the player who plays on it or as trollish. Basically you don't need to wave the elitist card to try and back your situation or any situation specially when it's irrelevant to it.
Your achievements are just that yours no one needs to care or give a thought about them except for you and that is all that should really matter to you. They don't give you a step up above others or free passes above others when it comes to the game rules. I just had to say something because I felt your remark was directed to the player base under trimmed which pretty much is everyone else.
And to stay on topic this story rocks vote Ipcress for prez.
of the Godless
safe, one world event at a time.
14-May-2015 15:17:03
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14-May-2015 16:09:13