There are a few possibilities on top of what you suggested:
- In Rune Mysteries/Memories, Wizard Ellaron blatantly stated that wizards sometimes like to give themselves fancy sounding titles.
As he calls himself: Grand Master of the Order of Saradomin; Initiate into the Inner Circle of Rune Mysteries; Heir to the Sacred Order of the Staff of Fire
All of that at once.
Hence titling themselves as "sorcerer" isn't really all that special.
- They did something relatively unique.
In game, Thormac is the only NPC that can upgrade a Battlestaff to a Mystic Staff.
The Sorceress is the only known NPC with her rather unique garden.
Whether they pioneered something, rediscovered something, or went in a direction that was "more than just magic", there are potential outlets for discovery and such that can allow them to be titled as such.
- They are an order or sub-order unto themselves.
Perhaps they consider themselves to be the true reincarnation of the First Tower's 4 orders. Perhaps they are just a group of hobbyist wizards.
Or they deal in arcane, little used, or undiscovered fields of magic rather than mainstream.
In the end, the differences between them and the ZMI and the Wizard's Tower/Guild force them to have location(s) offsite for their work, but they are still entrenched with their varying magical group affiliations (Assuming they even have them).
- The terms are simply interchangeable.
Eventually in lexicon, multiple words will pop up to describe something. But, all of the words are technically correct/right/accurate, even when at first glance they wouldn't appear to be.
The term 'wizard' is simply the most common description used. 'Mage' gets tossed around at time. So it could be conceivable that 'sorcerer' is a term used by more educated individuals to sound smart and all over their more mundane companions use of other terms.
06-Mar-2017 05:53:45