Another question:
We are often told that a large amount of the asset assignment for quests (and a lot of the reason why new Worlds are not that commonly created), is due graphics.
What would be the viability, from a lore-perspective, for having a World that is 'unseeable' by us?
This could be for a variety of reasons:
* We could have to be blindfolded, due to the resident People being untrusting. - perhaps we could be unblindfolded when inside certain buildings, if some visual is needed.
* We may be unable to process the light which the residents use to see by, so it'd be dark for us, but they could see. - and for some reason did not bring, or are not permitted, a light source.
* We could lose our sight (temporarily), either by action of the people, an archaic defence mechanism, some potion (perhaps one that helps us see other things, but we can't see normally at the same time), a bang to the head, something we're unable to remove, or something along those lines.
* We might only have a limited light source, that we can only use for brief periods (could be fairly simple to do a small area, like the TT areas, for those points).
* It could be a puzzle situation, where we're trapped and have to work out how to get out, while in the dark (that's not as good, though, as it would only work for a short, single quest).
It'd make for an interesting, and novel quest-line, and I'm sure no one would mind much, if it was an extra to what we'd expected, due to it taking up fewer resources.
I understand that a lot of work goes into the other parts of quests, too, especially with checking, and counter-checking every little detail.. and perhaps, while graphics takes up a lot of people, it takes up the same time as the rest, and there aren't viable projects that the quest-assigned graphics team could be working on instead, so it ends up wasting time..
but on the offchance it's doable, what are your thoughts? Anywhere it could fit in with the lore?
13-Feb-2015 14:22:52