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EDIT: I find it odd that Zamorak would fight Zaros while he was in his skeletal state. Was he in a hurry to do this?
Khazard looks skeletal because he wishes to terrify his enemies, maybe Zamorak did that to.
Seems unlikely, considering who he was intending on fighting here...
I think by 500 years the Mahjarrat are weak, however they probably lose their skin LONG before they reach their weakest.
OR it's possible he didn't have much choice, Zamorak wasn't alone in the rebellion, his allies would have a say in when he strikes. He can hardly make them wait a few centuries for the next ritual, as they could just lose faith in him.
OR he knew that the Mahjarrat loyal to Zaros would be strong too, especially Azzanadra. Maybe he chose this time to strike, while they were not in their prime. And Zamorak was banking on him having the SOA and SOJ
Think before posting, and if you can't think then don't post.
01-May-2014 23:37:48