+1 I wanted to perm my iron to keep status and achievements that I put all my time into in case I got hacked with the poor account security that we all have to deal with, not ever realizing that if I were to get hacked I likely wouldn't want to continue with an ironman because I would have to go through all of the grinds I had already completed, again. Even some of the most popular streamers have made ironmen and then proceeded to de-iron, it is something that can literally happen to anyone, goals/playstyle/lifestyle can change for anyone at any given time. The fact that it used to be a very regular thing with specific links that would let you submit a ticket to de-iron makes me believe that there really isn't any harm to helping your community out. You can help people who want to continue paying you membership and help keep the community alive and you're just not going to help them anymore because GIM is now a thing? That just doesn't make any logical sense to me. Do you really want people to just quit playing, quit paying membership when you can literally just help them remove ironman status so that they will continue to play? Saying "It's no longer possible" is a huge reach in my opinion. It is most definitely possible but for whatever reason you no longer want to do it. In my opinion there should've been a blog post or something stating that it wouldn't be possible going forward but anybody with last minute requests could be given the option to remove it. The amount of reddit posts I have seen about people wanting this feature back should be more than enough proof that this is something that needs to be revisited and reconsidered
25-May-2023 17:17:09