as someone who made a 50 attack 30 def turmoil pure, I loved pvp as well as the challenge of doing end-game PVM content on this account. I later made a similar account with 80 attack and 30 def to use chaotics that was very fun for slayer. These accounts were the most fun I had with the original RuneScape before RS3 or EOC. curses were original RuneScape before they were rs3 and it was my favorite time, and I started with classic. Now I am capped to get 70 def if I want to use additional prayers? I would love end game content for prayer without defense requirements so that i can actually use a skill im training without secondary blocks...I know its an old post but oh well. I'm only seeing it now, and now there is piety and raid prayers so i figure more relevant now than before. who knows.
24-Jul-2019 17:49:28