support, need end game prayers for +70 prayer, things like dung, summon, curses were at Runescapes peak when there were +200k players on at all times. now a days rs3/osrs has about 90-120k players playing between both. Sadly Osrs community likes no change like the armors, how can you keep playing a game with no change and no gear upgrades...
¸,•°'´`'°•¸ . ¸•°•¸ .:;:. ,·¹¹, Maxed 109 Range Tank pvp/pvm
.:. . ,·¹¹. ,' . ',¸¸,.',.,¸¸,' .:.. ‘·,¸¸,·'ˆ'·,¸¸,· Jagex where my pvp updates??
. ',¸¸,’ ‘, .::.. ¸’ .:. ,' . 99 slayer/ +45k bosses slain/ 14 pets/pvp
]click here to Apply![/qfc] ‘·,¸¸,·'ˆ'·,¸¸ 109 Maxed Range Tank
14-Nov-2016 01:33:39
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14-Nov-2016 01:37:59
Gf tankss