yes if a summoning poll was introduced id vote yes and would play again unlike most new osrs players self claimed to be og players the game is not the same anymore like with new voting system introducing items like blowpipe elder maul ancestral infernal cape justiciar armadyl crossbow twisted bow scythe etc etc...just dumb downed versions of dungeoneering rewards and dumb downed old armor sets like torva virtus and pernix armor without the op features. in my opinion rs was at its peak right before evolution of combat 2012 era dungeoneering, summoning, soulsplit, turmoil and overload potions was the dream and goals to achieve for many players. people don't want change but the game is literally not 07 like it claims to be..its whatever the majority of people want featured in the game. yes it is obvious some people look at summoning as a way to be able to abuse pvm and do other things to escape doing meticulous things but summoning is not overpowered as some claim it to be because it takes alot of time and money to be able to train this skill lets not forget. summoning is a tidious skill that only the ones who truly grind it would have the ability to use its rewards that comes along with it training it. as for the achievement of training this skill to its max the feeling of accomplishment is quite nice because you get to have all the tools summoning has to offer. the current game is pretty much almost the same version as pre eoc came out just with alternate equipment amulets armor sets and weapons as i pointed out above the only things missing really is dungeoneering summoning turmoil/sousplit divine and overload potions. summoning wouldn't take anything from the game it has always been a part of rs whether people want to agree with it or not.
26-Jul-2020 14:42:48